Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide and Release Notes for the OS Provisioning Plug-In 2.0

General Troubleshooting Guidelines


Provision plan ran successfully, but provisioning on target failed.


There could be several problems. The paragraphs below list some of the possible reasons why provisioning might have failed. Use this list to isolate the problem.

  1. Look into the provisioning logs by viewing the Host Status information in the N1 SPS browser interface. Run the Host Status plan on the target. Check both stdout and stderr to see the reason for failure.

  2. Log in to the OS provisioning server and check for logs in the /var/run/n1osp/log folder and also check the console output in the /var/run/n1osp/console folder. Also, check the messages in /var/adm/n1osp* files. To view more detail in the /var/adm/n1osp* files, change the value of n1.isp.core.debuglevel property in the /opt/SUNWn1osp/etc/ file. For example, n1.isp.core.debuglevel=25.

  3. Obtain a console to the target and re-provision to see reason for failure.

  4. Check for network connectivity between the OS provisioning sever, the boot and install server, and the target host. ping/snoop for packets between the OS provisioning sever and the boot and install server, between the OS provisioning server and the target host, and between the boot and install server and the target host.

    Note –

    If the OS provisioning sever or boot and install server has several IP addresses, use the addresses that are used for provisioning.

  5. DHCP packets from target are not reaching the OS provisioning sever. Check if the target has been configured to boot over the network using DHCP. If the target host has several network interfaces, ensure that it is using the interface specified in the host profile to boot and install the operating system. Re-provision the target and check if the /etc/dhcpd.conf file on OS provisioning server has entries for the target host. The DHCP is configured to respond to target only for the duration of OS provisioning, so you need to re-provision the target to see if the DHCP has been configured properly.

  6. Check if the Solaris, Linux, and Windows boot and install servers have been set up properly. Read the appropriate OS documentation for more details. Verify that the boot and install server is properly configured to share the OS media using NFS (for Solaris and Linux) or CIFS (for Windows). Verify that the IP addresses used in the OS profile and the IP addresses configured on the boot and install server match. Check if the TFTP services are configured to run on boot and install server.

  7. Check the OS profile information and Host Profile information for IP addresses, Passwords and other information.

  8. If an OS fails to install or gets hung, check if your OS profile has the necessary drivers to boot the targets over the network. See the respective OS documentation for more details.


Error while creating profiles, creating hosts, or provisioning targets.


Errors can occur at several points in the provisioning process. Check the following:

  1. Verify that the N1 SPS Remote Agents (RAs) are installed correctly on the boot and install servers. Verify that the Master Server can reach the RAs. For more information, see the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.1 Installation Guide.

  2. Verify that the N1 SPS command-line interface (CLI) is installed on the OS provisioning server and the Solaris boot and install server. Run a simple cr_cli command.

  3. Check the stdout and stderr of the plan.

  4. Verify that valid values are provided for the plan and component variables.