Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 5.2 Installation Guide

ProcedureHow to Set Up Keys for the ssh-agent

If you are using the ssh-agent, complete this task to copy the keys to the Local Distributors and Remote Agents.

  1. On the Master Server, copy the private key file, ~/.ssh/id_rsa, to a secure media.

    % cp /User-home/.ssh/id_rsa path_to_file/

    User-home is the home directory of the currently logged in user on the Master Server machine. path_to_file/ is the path to the secure media where you want to save the private key file.

  2. Delete the private key file from the local file system.

    % rm /User-home/.ssh/id_rsa
  3. Copy the public key to each Local Distributor and Remote Agent that you want to set up to use SSH. Save the key in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 file.

    % cp /User-home.ssh/ /User-home-APP/.ssh/authorized_keys2

    User-home is the home directory on the Master Server machine. User-home-APP is the home directory of the currently logged in user on the Local Distributor or the Remote Agent machine.

  4. Ensure that the .ssh/ directory and any parent directories are not world writable.

  5. Change the permissions for the .ssh/authorized_keys2 file to 600.

  6. Edit the following line in the files on the Master Server and the Local Distributors to enable ssh-agent forwarding.

    Current configuration:

    net.ssh.args=-o|BatchMode yes

    Edit the line to include the -A option:

    net.ssh.args=-o|BatchMode yes|-A