Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 Installation Guide

Reverting to HTTP

If you have configured the provisioning system to use HTTPS, you can manually reconfigure the provisioning system to use HTTP.

ProcedureHow to Revert to HTTP

  1. Stop the Master Server

    % N1SPS6.0-MasterServer-home/server/bin/cr_server stop

    N1SPS6.0-MasterServer-home is the directory where you installed the Master Server.

  2. To return to the original configuration, replace the secure web.xml file with the default web.xml file.

    % cd /N1SPS6.0-MasterServer-home/server/webapp/WEB-INF

    % cp web.xml.default web.xml

    N1SPS6.0-MasterServer-home is the directory where you installed the Master Server.

  3. Restart the Master Server.

    % N1SPS6.0-MasterServer-home/server/bin/cr_server start

    N1SPS6.0-MasterServer-home is the directory where you installed the Master Server.