Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 Installation Guide

Overview of SSL Support in the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0

SSL is a protocol for securing communication over IP networks. SSL uses TCP/IP sockets technology to exchange messages between a client and a server, while protecting the message with a public and private key encryption system developed by RSA. Support for SSL is included in most web server products, as well as in the Netscape Navigator and Microsoft web browsers.

Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 applications can be configured to use SSL for their network communications, preventing messages from being read or tampered with. Optionally, applications can be configured to use SSL to authenticate before communicating, further increasing network security.

Note –

You cannot run the provisioning system CLI client with an SSL type 1 connection on the IBM AIX platform. The default implementation of the IBM JSSE Provider does not allow anonymous ciphers. This limitation prevents users from using anonymous ciphers for CLI or local distributor applications running on AIX.

Cipher Suites: Encryption and Authentication Overview

The SSL protocol supports a variety of different cryptographic algorithms, or ciphers, for use in operations such as authenticating the server and client to each other, transmitting certificates, and establishing session keys. The cipher suite that SSL uses to connect determines whether any authentication takes place.

Exercise caution when selecting cipher suites. Each application must enable only those cipher suites that provide the minimum security needed by the node. SSL uses the most secure cipher suites supported by both the client and server. If low security cipher suites are enabled, a third party client can force the server to use the less secure cipher suites by publishing support for only the least secure cipher suite during cipher suite negotiation.

SSL can be operated in the following modes:

During the installation, when you select to use SSL to secure communications between applications, you are prompted to select the cipher suite to use. The cipher suite value is stored as the value of net.ssl.cipher.suites in the file. The cipher suite value is set to the following value based on the selection you make:

When you use SSL with a Local Distributor on an AIX server, the SSL cipher suite is set to encryption with authentication. Encryption with no authentication is not available for Local Distributors that are running on AIX servers.

For lists of SSL cipher suites that do and do not require server authentication, see SSL Cipher Suites. You can configure client authentication only for cipher suites that require server authentication.

Note –

The Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 applications allow you to configure SSL connections with encryption, no authentication or encryption with authentication. Encryption with authentication uses client and server authentication. Although the configurations described above are possible, encryption, with authentication is the most secure.

Authentication Keystores

The Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 supports self-signed certificates and certificates signed by a Certifying Authority. Two types of keystores exist:

When enabling SSL for client-server authentication, each enabled application needs to be configured with two keystores that SSL will use to authenticate itself to other applications and to authenticate other applications.

When enabling SSL for server-only authentication, the application acting as the SSL server requires a private keystore and the application acting as the SSL client requires a public, or trusted, keystore. The public keystores are in the proprietary JKS format provided by the Java Secure Sockets Extension (JSSE) v1.0.3.

You must specify a password for both of the keystores. The password for both of the keystores must be the same.

For example, application A, an SSL client, and application B, an SSL server, want to connect with each other using SSL. Both are configured to use a cipher suite that requires server authentication. Application B must have a public-private key pair in its private keystore, and application A must have application B's public key in its trust keystore. When application A attempts to connect to application B, application B sends its public key down to application A. Application A is able to verify the public key by finding it in its trust keystore.

If application B is configured to require client authentication, application A must have a public-private key pair in its private keystore. Also, application B must have application A's public key in its trust keystore. After application A has authenticated application B, application B is able to verify application A's public key, as it finds the public key in its trust keystore.

When you generate a keystore using the crkeys command, you use the -mode upstream|downstream option to specify the location of the machine that is being authenticated in relationship to the machine that is performing the authentication. When attempting an SSL connection, the server that is validating the connection verifies that the certificate it received contains a mode that matches the relative location of the server that transmitted the certificate. For example, a Local Distributor receives an SSL connection request from a Master Server. The Local Distributor verifies that the Master Server certificate does not have a downstream annotation.

Note –

The server does not verify that a certificate contains an upstream annotation. The server only verifies that the certificate does not have a downstream annotation. Consequently, any servers that were originally configured to use SSL without an upstream annotation will continue to connect using SSL.

A CLI client cannot validate a connection with a server that transmits a certificate with an upstream annotation because no server can be upstream from a CLI client. A Remote Agent cannot validate a connection with a server that transmits a certificate with a downstream annotation because no server can be downstream from a Remote Agent.

Using Passwords With SSL

If you supply a password for trust keystore operations, the password is only used to verify the integrity of the keystore. The password does not prevent access to the contents of the trust keystore, but it does protect updates to the keystore. Users are not able to change the contents of the keystore without supplying the password.

If you supply a password for private keystore operations, the password is used to verify the integrity of the keystore, protect against modifications of the keystore contents, and to encrypt and protect access to the private key.

The crkeys command validates that you specified the same password for both the keystores. When creating a trust store for the first time by importing certificates, the crkeys script ensures that the trust store has the same password as the private store, if one exists. Similarly, when creating a private store for the first time, the crkeys script ensures that the private store has the same password as the trust store, if one exists.

The crkeys command enables you to create an encoded version of the keystore password. You can use the encoded version of the password in any properties files in which you intend to save the keystore password. Saving an encoded version of the password in a properties file is more secure than saving the plaintext version of a password in a properties file.

Limitations of SSL on the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0

The SSL implementation on the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 has the following limitations: