Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 Installation Guide

Chapter 5 Installing the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on Windows Systems

This chapter describes the steps to install the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on servers running Windows. You will install each of the applications separately by using the appropriate Microsoft Installer (MSI) package on the product media. The MSI packages for each of the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 applications begin by performing the same set of preparatory tasks and asking the same questions about directories and files. Each MSI package then asks specific configuration questions about the application that it will install.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Installing the Master Server

ProcedureHow to Install the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 Master Server on Windows

Before You Begin

Review the installation process overview in Installing the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 – Process Overview. Complete any necessary tasks prior to installing the Master Server.

If you want to install the Master Server remotely, use the Virtual Network Computing (VNC) software to access the server. If you use Terminal Client Services to access the server, the installation fails.

Ensure that you have write permissions on the folder in which the MSI packages are saved.

Ensure that the PostgreSQL account that you specify during the installation has the "Log on as a service" and "Log on locally" rights. Use the MMC snapin to grant these rights. For more information, see

  1. Access the MSI packages.

    • If you are installing from a CD, insert the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0: Windows CD.

    • If you are installing from the image that you downloaded, change to the directory where you saved the downloaded image.

  2. Use the Windows File Manager or a Command Prompt to access the windows directory on the CD or in the directory where you saved the downloaded image.

  3. Start the Master Server installation.

    • If you are using the File Manager, double-click the cr_ms_win32_6.0.msi file.

    • If you are at a Command Prompt, type the name of the installation file at the prompt.

      E:\N1GSPS6.0\windows> cr_ms_win32_6.0.msi [ALLOWFORWARDVERSION=true]

      The ALLOWFORWARDVERSION=true option enables you to install an Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 Master Server on a version of an operating system that is numerically higher than the highest version the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 supports for that operating system. If you use the ALLOWFORWARDVERSION=true option, the installation program does not verify that the operating system on which you are installing the Master Server is supported. There is no standard Sun Services support for use of the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on unsupported operating systems.

      Caution – Caution –

      Installing the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on unsupported operating systems might result in undefined and unexpected behavior. Install the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on unsupported operating systems only for testing purposes. Do not use the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on unsupported operating systems in a production environment.

  4. Answer the configuration questions when prompted by the installation program.

    The installation program prompts you to answer a series of configuration questions and then displays the Ready to Install screen.

  5. Click Install to begin the installation.

    The installation program installs the program files. When the installation completes, the installation program prompts you to restart the machine.

  6. Restart the machine to complete the installation.

    You must restart the machine to complete the installation of the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0.

  7. Log in to the server.

    After you log in, the installation program displays a Welcome screen.

  8. Click Next to complete the installation.

    Note –

    The installer opens Command Prompt windows and executes commands. Some of the commands might take several minutes to run. Do not close the Command Prompt windows or cancel the operations. The operations complete automatically after a few minutes.

  9. Click Finish to exit the installation program.

    The Master Server is installed. Access the Master Server by using your web browser and the browser interface address that you specified during the installation.

  10. (Optional) Create a scheduled task to optimize the database.

    To optimize the performance of your database, create a scheduled task that runs the vacuumdb utility daily. To create the scheduled task, follow the instructions in How to Create a Scheduled Task to Optimize the Database.

ProcedureHow to Create a Scheduled Task to Optimize the Database

  1. Open the Windows Scheduled Tasks Folder.

    You can open the Scheduled tasks folder by clicking the Start menu, then clicking Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Scheduled Tasks.

  2. To create a new task, right click in the folder and select New -> Scheduled Task.

  3. Name the task.

  4. Double–click on the task to edit it.

  5. In the Run field, type the following command on a single line:

    bash -c “/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/N1\ Service\ Provisioning\ System/6.0/server/bin/roxdbcmd 
    vacuumdb -h localhost -a -z”

    c/Program\ Files/N1\ Service\ Provisioning\ System/6.0 is the directory in which you installed the Master Server.

  6. In the Schedule tab, configure the task to run once a day.

Installing the Remote Agent, Local Distributor, and CLI Client

ProcedureHow to Install the Remote Agent, Local Distributor, and CLI Client on Windows

Before You Begin

Review the installation process overview in Installing the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 – Process Overview. Complete any necessary tasks prior to installing the Master Server.

Ensure that you have write permissions on the folder in which the MSI packages are saved.

  1. Access the installation MSI packages.

    • If you are installing from a CD, insert the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0: Windows CD.

    • If you are installing from the image that you downloaded, change to the directory where you saved the downloaded image.

  2. Use the Windows File Manager or a Command Prompt to access the windows directory on the CD or in the directory where you saved the downloaded image.

  3. Start the installation for the application you want to install.

    • If you are using the File Manager, double-click the cr_app_win32_6.0.msi file.

    • If you are in a Command Prompt, type the name of the installation file at the prompt.

      E:\N1GSPS6.0\windows> cr_app_win32_6.0.msi [ALLOWFORWARDVERSION=true]

      app is one of the following values:

      • ra – installs the Remote Agent

      • ld – installs the Local Distributor

      • cli – installs the CLI Client

      The ALLOWFORWARDVERSION=true option enables you to install an Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 application on a version of an operating system that is numerically higher than the highest version the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 supports for that operating system. If you use the ALLOWFORWARDVERSION=true option, the installation program does not verify that the operating system on which you are installing the application is supported. There is no standard Sun Services support for use of the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on unsupported operating systems.

      Caution – Caution –

      Installing the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on unsupported operating systems might result in undefined and unexpected behavior. Install the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on unsupported operating systems only for testing purposes. Do not use the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on unsupported operating systems in a production environment.

  4. Answer the configuration questions when prompted by the installation program.

    The installation program prompts you to answer a series of configuration questions and then displays the Ready to Install screen.

  5. Click Install to begin the installation.

    The installation program installs the program files.

  6. Click Finish to exit the installation program.

Non-Interactive Installation of a Remote Agent on Windows

You can install the Remote Agent by using variables on a command line to indicate your configuration selections. The non-interactive installation for Remote Agents is accomplished by using the msiexec command that is installed as part of the Windows Installer Service.

ProcedureHow to Non-Interactively Install Remote Agents on Windows

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have write permissions on the folder in which the MSI packages are saved.

  1. On the machine where you want to install the Remote Agent, open a Command Prompt window.

  2. Insert the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0: Windows CD.

  3. Change to the directory where the MSI package is located, either on the software CD or from the directory where you saved the downloaded image.

  4. Copy the installation MSI package to the machine on which you want to install the Remote Agent.

    % copy cr_ra_winaddress-space_6.0.msi RA-machine\

    RA-machine is a directory on the machine on which you want to install the Remote Agent.

  5. Start the installation.

    C:RA-machine\>  msiexec /i cr_ra_winaddress-space_6.0.msi /qn

    address-space is one of the following values:

    • 32

    • 64

    You may include as many variables as necessary. Variable values that contain spaces, such as directory names, must be included in quotation marks. For the variables and values accepted by the non-interactive installation program, refer to Table 5–1. For variables for which you do not specify a value, the installation program installs the Remote Agent using the default value.

    Caution – Caution –

    You must set a value for the RA_PARENT_CONNECTION variable or the installation script will abort. Also, if you choose to use an insecure connection type, such as raw or SSL encryption with no authentication, you must set the CR_RA_CTYPE_CONFIRM variable value to true.

    The ALLOWFORWARDVERSION=true option enables you to install an Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 Remote Agent on a version of an operating system that is numerically higher than the highest version the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 supports for that operating system. If you use the ALLOWFORWARDVERSION=true option, the installation program does not verify that the operating system on which you are installing the Remote Agent is supported. There is no standard Sun Services support for use of the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on unsupported operating systems.

    Caution – Caution –

    Installing the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on unsupported operating systems might result in undefined and unexpected behavior. Install the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on unsupported operating systems only for testing purposes. Do not use the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on unsupported operating systems in a production environment.

Example 5–1 Non-Interactive Installation of a Remote Agent on Windows

The following example is a sample of the command to install the Remote Agent non-interactively on Windows.

C:\> msiexec /i cr_ra_winaddress-space_6.0.msi /qn
INSTALLDIR=“C:\Program Files\N1 Service Provisioning System\”

address-space is one of the following values:

Remote Installation of Remote Agents on Windows

The Remote Agent MSI package facilitates remote installation in a non-interacitve mode. The installation is accomplished by using a .wsh script used by the Windows Scripting Host. The script file contains VB script code that does the following:

ProcedureHow to Remotely Install Remote Agents on Windows

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have write permissions on the folder in which the MSI packages are saved.

  1. On the Master Server machine, open a Command Prompt window.

  2. Access the MSI packages.

    • If you are installing from a CD, insert the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0: Windows CD.

    • If you are installing from the image that you downloaded, change to the directory where you saved the downloaded image.

  3. Change to the directory where the MSI package is located, either on the software CD or from the directory where you saved the downloaded image.

  4. Copy the MSI package to the Master Server.

    C:\> copy cr_ra_winaddress-space_6.0.msi MS-machine\

    MS-machine is a directory on the Master Server machine.

    address-space is one of the following values:

    • 32

    • 64

  5. Change to the Master Server home directory.

    C:\> cd N1SPS6.0-home\server\bin\WinInstaller

    N1SPS6.0-home is the directory in which you installed the Master Server.

  6. Start the installation.

    C:\MS-machine> cscript WinInstaller.wsf [ALLOWFORWARDVERSION=true] parameters Hostname

    The ALLOWFORWARDVERSION=true option enables you to install an Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 Remote Agent on a version of an operating system that is numerically higher than the highest version the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 supports for that operating system. If you use the ALLOWFORWARDVERSION=true option, the installation program does not verify that the operating system on which you are installing the Remote Agent is supported. There is no standard Sun Services support for use of the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on unsupported operating systems.

    Caution – Caution –

    Installing the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on unsupported operating systems might result in undefined and unexpected behavior. Install the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on unsupported operating systems only for testing purposes. Do not use the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on unsupported operating systems in a production environment.

    Hostname is the hostname of the machine on which to install the Remote Agent.

    If you do not include values for any of the following parameters on the command line, the installation program installs the Remote Agent using the default values as shown below.

    The Remote Agent non-interactive installation program accepts the parameters that are listed in the following table.





    User to connect to WMI on the target machine. 



    Password to connect to the WMI on the target machine. 



    The Windows variable for the cscript WinInstaller.wsf command found in Table 5–1. All variables and values must be contained in a string that is enclosed by quotation marks.

    Caution – Caution –

    You must set a value for the RA_PARENT_CONNECTIONvariable or the installation script will abort. Also, if you choose to use an insecure connection type, such as raw or SSL encryption with no authentication, you must set the CR_RA_CTYPE_CONFIRM variable value to true.



    Paths to the .msi\.input files to install.

    Current working directory 


    An existing directory on the target machine in which to create a temporary Windows file share. The file share directory must be at least the size of the MSI package. 


    The exit code is 0 for a successful installation and 1 for a failure.

Example 5–2 Remote Installation of a Remote Agent On Windows

The following example is a sample of the command to remotely install a Remote Agent on Windows.

C:\> cscript WinInstaller.wsf -shareLocation C:\installs -options

Remote Agent Variable Values

The Remote Agent non-interactive and remote installation programs accepts the following variables.

Table 5–1 Remote Agent Variable Values

Variable Name 





Specify the directory in which to install the Remote Agent. 

C:\Program Files\N1 Service Provisioning System

Any valid directory. 


Specify the hostname or IP address for the machine on which to install the Remote Agent. 

The Windows computer name 

Any valid hostname or IP address. 


Specify the IP Port number to use for this Remote Agent. 


Any valid port number. 


Specify that the parent application connects to this Remote Agent by using unencrypted (raw) or SSL connections. 


true specifies to use SSL. false specifies to use raw.


If you selected SSL, specify the type of SSL cipher suite to use. 

0 specifies to use SSL encryption with authentication. 1 specifies to use SSL encryption without authentication.


Confirm the type of encryption to use. 


true if you selected raw or SSLencryption without authentication. false if you selected SSL encryption with authentication.



Specify which user account the Remote Agent is to run as. 

system user 

Use a prefix of .\ for local user names.

If you define these variables, you must set RA_SERVICE_CONTROL to other.


Specify whether to start the Remote Agent automatically on server restart. The variable also determines whether the Remote Agent is started at the time of the installation. 


1 specifies to start automatically. 0 specifies to not start automatically.

Starting Applications on Windows Systems

On Windows servers, you start the Master Server, Local Distributor, and Remote agent in the Services Panel. You start the CLI Client from a Command Prompt window.

To start the Master Server, Local Distributor, or Remote Agent, click the Start menu, then Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Services. In the Services panel, find the name of the application and start it.

For information about how to stop Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 applications, see Stopping Applications on Windows Systems.

Table 5–2 Names of Services to Start for the Windows Master Server, Local Distributor, and Remote Agent


Name of Service to Start 

Master Server 

Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 Server 

Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 PostgresSQL Server 

Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 IPC Daemon 

Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 Database Preparer 

Local Distributor 

Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 Distributor 

Remote Agent 

Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 Agent 

To start the CLI Client on a Windows server, type one of the following commands at a Command Prompt. N1SPS6.0-home is the home directory of the application.

Table 5–3 Start Commands for the Windows CLI Client


Path to Command 

Command to Start 

CLI Client 


cr_cli.cmd CLI-command

Jython version of CLI Client 


cr_clij.cmd CLI-command