Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 Installation Guide

Reference Data for the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on Windows

This section contains details about the installation of the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on Windows in the following sections:

Directory Structure of the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 on Windows

When installing the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0, you are prompted to select a home directory for the software. The default directory is one of the following.

The installation scripts install the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 software into default destination directories that are subdirectories of the home directory for the software. The following table lists the directories that are installed for every Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 application, the Master Server, Local Distributor, Remote Agent, and CLI Client.

Table A–6 Directories Common to All Applications




Common files for all applications 


Bundled copy of the JRE for Windows 


Library files common for some or all applications 

The following table lists the directories installed for the Master Server.

Table A–7 Directories Installed for the Master Server




Master Server Configuration files  


Master Server data files  


Master Server Executable files  


Master Server-specific library files 


Bundled copy of Postgres 


Bundled subset of Red Hat cygwin 


Bundled copy of Apache Tomcat 


Browser Interface Web Application 


Miscellaneous files used to initialize the Master Server 


Master Server temporary directory with permissions set to 777 


Text license agreement 

The following table lists the directories installed for the Local Distributor.

Table A–8 Directories Installed for the Local Distributor




Local Distributor configuration files  


Local Distributor executable files  


Local Distributor library files 


Local Distributor-specific data 


Local Distributor temporary directory 


Local Distributor JRE proxy 


Text license agreement 

The following table lists the directories installed for the Remote Agent.

Table A–9 Directories Installed for the Remote Agent




Remote Agent configuration files  


Remote Agent executable files  


Remote Agent library files 


Remote Agent-specific data 


Default directory for execution of execNatives 


Remote Agent temporary directory 


Remote Agent JRE proxy 


Text license agreement 

The following table lists the directories installed for the CLI Client.

Table A–10 Directories Installed for the CLI Client




CLI configuration files  


CLI executable files  


CLI library files 


CLI specific data 


CLI temporary directory with permissions set to 777 


Text license agreement 


To facilitate interoperability with applications running on UNIX and Linux systems, the Windows version of the software includes a subset of the Red Hat cygwin UNIX environment. The following description of cygwin comes from the official Cygwin web site at

Cygwin is a UNIX environment, developed by Red Hat, for Windows. It consists of two parts: - A DLL (cygwin1.dll) which acts as a UNIX emulation layer providing substantial UNIX API functionality. - A collection of tools, ported from UNIX, which provide UNIX/Linux look and feel. The Cygwin DLL works with all non-beta, non “release candidate”, ix86 versions of Windows since Windows 95, with the exception of Windows CE.

Actions Performed by the Windows Installation Scripts

The Windows Master Server installation script performs the following actions:

The Windows Local Distributor installation script performs the following actions:

The Windows Remote Agent installation script performs the following actions:

The Windows CLI Client installation script performs the following actions: