Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 Installation Guide

Remote Installation of Remote Agents on Linux and UNIX Systems

You can install a Remote Agent remotely from another machine across the network. When you install the Master Server, the scripts needed to remotely install a Remote Agent are installed in the N1SPS6.0-MasterServer-home/server/bin directory. The installation is a non-interactive installation and uses environment variables to manage the installation and configuration of the Remote Agents. You can set the environment variables in a parameters file, at the command line, or use the default values provided by the installation script.

ProcedureHow to Remotely Install Remote Agents on Linux and UNIX Systems

The installation scripts for the Remote Agent are specific to the operating system of the target machine. You need to complete these steps for each operating system running on your target machines.

Before You Begin

The target machine must meet the following requirements:

The Master Server machine must have the UNIX utilities ssh and scp installed and in the path at the time of execution.

The remote installation program uses environment variables to manage the installation and configuration of the Remote Agent. You can set the environment variables in a parameters file or at the command line. You must declare a value for the following environment variables:

  1. On the Master Server machine, access the installation scripts.

    • If you are installing from a DVD, insert the DVD.

    • If you are installing from the image that you downloaded, change to the directory where you saved the downloaded image.

  2. Change to the directory on the software DVD or within the downloaded image where the installation script is located.

    % cd /script-directory

    script-directory is one of the following values:

    • solaris_sparc

    • solaris_x86

    • aix

    • linux

    • hpux

  3. Copy the installation script to the Master Server.

    % cp N1SPS6.0-MasterServer-home/server/bin

    N1SPS6.0-MasterServer-home is the directory where you installed the Master Server and opsystem is one of the following values:

    • solaris_sparc – installs the Remote Agent on SPARC based hardware running the Solaris OS

    • solaris_x86 – installs the Remote Agent on x86 based hardware running the Solaris OS

    • aix – installs the Remote Agent on IBM AIX

    • linux_i386 – installs the Remote Agent on Red Hat Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (32–bit)

    • linux_x86_64 – installs the Remote Agent on Red Hat Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (64–bit)

    • hpux – installs the application on PA-RISC based systems that are running HP-UX

  4. Change directories to where the scripts are located.

    % cd N1SPS6.0-MasterServer-home/server/bin

    N1SPS6.0-MasterServer-home is the directory where you installed the Master Server.

  5. Determine how to provide configuration information to the installation script.

    • Create a new parameters file or edit the sample parameters file that was installed by the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0. When you install the Master Server, a parameters file is installed. The file is named N1SPS6.0-MasterServer-home/server/bin/ You can use the default values that are provided in this file or edit the file and add your custom values. You can also create a new parameters file to use. The contents of the sample parameters file and descriptions of the variables that you can set are in Sample Remote Agent Parameters File for Linux and UNIX Systems. The parameters file must be an executable file.

      Caution – Caution –

      The values for the CR_RA_SUID and CR_RA_CTYPE variables are not set in the sample parameters file. You must set values for these variables or the installation script will abort. Also, if you choose to use an insecure connection type, such as raw or SSL encryption with no authentication, you must set the CR_RA_CTYPE_CONFIRM variable value to true.

      The value of the CR_RA_SUID variable can be y, if and only if the connection type is ssh. If this condition is not met, the installer terminates.

    • Set the environment variables.

      % export CR_RA_INSTALLER_USER=username
      % export CR_RA_INSTALLER_WORKDIR=/working_directory
      % export CR_RA_INSTALLER_LEAVEFILES=yes, no
      % export CR_RA_CTYPE=raw, ssh, ssl
      % export CR_RA_SUID=y, n
      % export,
      % export CR_REBOOT_SCRIPT_SETUP=true, false
      % export CR_USER_TO_RUN_AS=username
  6. Start the remote installation.

    % -paramfile path-to-file/ –f hostnames
    • is the installation script that you copied from the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 CD or downloaded image.

    • path-to-file/parameters-file is the path to the parameters file and the name of the parameters file that you want the installation program to use to obtain the configuration information. If you set the environment variables or you want the installation script to use the default values, you do not need to specify a parameters file.

    • hostnames are the host names of the machines on which to perform the installation. Separate the hostnames by a space. If you specified the host names in the CR_RA_INSTALLER_HOSTS parameter, either in the parameters file or as an environment variable, you do not need to specify the hos tnames on the command line. If you specify host names on the command line, those hosts are installed and any hosts specified in the CR_RA_INSTALLER_HOSTS parameter are not be installed.

  7. Make a note of the location of the log file.

    The installation program notifies you that it is creating a log file and displays the location of the log file. Note the location of the file so that you can view it later.

  8. If prompted by the installation program, provide passwords for the remote machine.

    The installation script generates log files on the remote machine.