Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 Installation Guide

Uninstalling Applications on Linux and UNIX Systems

The procedure to uninstall the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 depends upon the application you want to uninstall and on which operating system it is running.

ProcedureHow to Uninstall a Package Based Master Server or CLI Client

The Solaris OS Master Server and CLI Client are installed as packages. You can also choose to install the Linux Master Server and CLI client as RPM packages. The uninstall script removes only 6.0 versions of the Master Server or CLI Client.

  1. On the server that you want to uninstall the application, verify that you are not in the directory of the application that you want to uninstall.

  2. Stop the Master Server and CLI Client.

    For more information, see Stopping Applications on Linux and UNIX Systems.

  3. Begin the uninstallation.

    # /N1SPS6.0-home/app_directory/bin/

    N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the application. The default directory is /opt/SUNWn1sps/N1_Service_Provisioning_System_6.0. app_directory is one of the following values:

    • server – Master Server

    • cli – CLI Client

    app is one of the following values:

    • ms – uninstalls the Master Server

    • cli – uninstalls the CLI Client

    The following message appears when the uninstallation is complete.

    Successfully removed SUNWspsapp
    Successfully removed SUNWspsc1
    Successfully removed SUNWspsj1

    app is ms when uninstalling a Master Server and cl when uninstalling a CLI Client.

    Note –

    The SUNWspsc1 and SUNWspsj1 packages are not removed if another application is installed on this server. For example, if you have a Master Server and a CLI Client both installed on the same server, when you uninstall only the Master Server, the SUNWspsc1 and SUNWspsj1 packages remain on the server until you uninstall the CLI Client.

ProcedureHow to Uninstall File-Based Applications on Linux and UNIX Systems

  1. On the server that you want to uninstall the application, verify that you are not in the directory of the application you want to uninstall.

  2. Stop the application that you want to uninstall.

    • To stop a Remote Agent on a Solaris 10 system, type the following commands.

      # svcadm disable spsra
      # svccfg delete -f spsra
    • To stop a Remote Agent on a Solaris 8 or Solaris 9 system, type the following command.

      # N1SPS6.0-home/agent/bin/cr_agent stop

      Where N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the application.

    • To stop a Local Distributor on a Solaris 10 system, type the following commands.

      # svcadm disable spsld
      # svccfg delete -f spsld
    • To stop a Local Distributor on a Solaris 8 or Solaris 9 system, type the following commands.

      # N1SPS6.0-home/agent/bin/cr_ld stop

      Where N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the application.

  3. If you are uninstalling a Remote Agent, change the permissions on files in the /protect directory.

    % chmod -R 755 /N1SPS6.0-home/agent/bin/protect

    N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the Remote Agent.

  4. Delete the directories that contain the application that you want to uninstall.

    • To delete the master server or CLI application, type the following command.

      # rm -r /N1SPS6.0-home/app-directory

      N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the application. The default directory on UNIX systems is /opt/SUNWn1sps/. The default directory on Linux systems is /opt/sun. The value for app-directory is one of the following:

      • server – uninstalls a Master Server

      • cli – uninstalls a CLI Client

    • To delete the Remote Agent directories, choose the appropriate steps.

      • For Solaris 10 systems, type the following commands.

        # rm -rf /var/svc/manifest/application/management/spsra.xml
        # rm -rf N1SPS6.0-home

        Where N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the application.

      • For Solaris 8 or Solaris 9 systems, type the following commands.

        # rm -rf N1SPS6.0-home
        # rm /etc/init.d/spsra
        # rm /etc/rc3.d/*spsra

        Where N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the application.

      • For HP–UX systems, type the following commands.

        # rm -rf N1SPS6.0-home
        # rm /etc/init.d/spsra
        # rm /sbin/init.d/spsra /sbin/rc2.d/*spsra

        Where N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the application.

      • For SuSE Linux systems, type the following commands.

        # rm -rf N1SPS6.0-home
        # rm /etc/init.d/spsra
        # rm /etc/init.d/spsra /etc/init.d/rc3.d/*spsra /etc/init.d/rc5.d/*spsra

        Where N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the application.

      • For Red Hat Linux systems, type the following commands.

        # rm -rf N1SPS6.0-home
        # rm /etc/init.d/spsra
        # rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/spsra /etc/rc3.d/*spsra /etc/rc5.d/*spsra

        Where N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the application.

      • For AIX systems, type the following commands.

        # rm -rf N1SPS6.0-home
        # rm /etc/init.d/spsra
        # rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/spsra /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/*spsra

        Where N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the application.

    • To delete the local distributor directories, choose the appropriate steps.

      • For Solaris 10 systems, type the following commands.

        # rm -rf /var/svc/manifest/application/management/spsld.xml
        # rm -rf N1SPS6.0-home

        Where N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the application.

      • For Solaris 8 or Solaris 9 systems, type the following commands.

        # rm -rf N1SPS6.0-home
        # rm /etc/init.d/spsld
        # rm /etc/rc3.d/*spsld

        Where N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the application.

      • For HP–UX systems, type the following commands.

        # rm -rf N1SPS6.0-home
        # rm /etc/init.d/spsld
        # rm /sbin/init.d/spsld /sbin/rc2.d/*spsld

        Where N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the application.

      • For SuSE Linux systems, type the following commands.

        # rm -rf N1SPS6.0-home
        # rm /etc/init.d/spsld
        # rm /etc/init.d/spsld /etc/init.d/rc3.d/*spsld /etc/init.d/rc5.d/*spsld

        Where N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the application.

      • For Red Hat Linux systems, type the following commands.

        # rm -rf N1SPS6.0-home
        # rm /etc/init.d/spsld
        # rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/spsld /etc/rc3.d/*spsld /etc/rc5.d/*spsld

        Where N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the application.

      • For AIX systems, type the following commands.

        # rm -rf N1SPS6.0-home
        # rm /etc/init.d/spsld
        # rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/spsld /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/*spsld

        Where N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the application.

  5. If you are uninstalling all of the applications from the machine, when the N1SPS6.0–home directory contains no more application directories, delete the common/ directory.

    # rm -r N1SPS6.0-home/common

    The uninstallation is complete.

ProcedureHow to Disable Automatic Database Optimization

If you uninstall a Red Hat Linux Master Server, you must manually remove the entry from the crontab file that instructs the system to automatically optimize the database. The uninstall script for Solaris Master Servers automatically removes this entry from the cronjob file.

  1. As the user that owns the Master Server, list the current crontab and direct the output to a file.

    # crontab -l > newcrontabfile
  2. Open the newcrontab file in a text editor.

  3. Remove the following line from the newcrontab file.

    MM HH * * * N1SPS6.0-home/server/bin/roxdbcmd vacuumdb -d rox > /dev/null 2> /dev/null

    N1SPS6.0-home is the home directory of the Master Server.

  4. Save the newcrontab file.

  5. Update the crontab.

    # crontab newcrontabfile