Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 Installation Guide

ProcedureHow to Uninstall a Package Based Master Server or CLI Client

The Solaris OS Master Server and CLI Client are installed as packages. You can also choose to install the Linux Master Server and CLI client as RPM packages. The uninstall script removes only 6.0 versions of the Master Server or CLI Client.

  1. On the server that you want to uninstall the application, verify that you are not in the directory of the application that you want to uninstall.

  2. Stop the Master Server and CLI Client.

    For more information, see Stopping Applications on Linux and UNIX Systems.

  3. Begin the uninstallation.

    # /N1SPS6.0-home/app_directory/bin/

    N1SPS6.0-home is the directory where you installed the application. The default directory is /opt/SUNWn1sps/N1_Service_Provisioning_System_6.0. app_directory is one of the following values:

    • server – Master Server

    • cli – CLI Client

    app is one of the following values:

    • ms – uninstalls the Master Server

    • cli – uninstalls the CLI Client

    The following message appears when the uninstallation is complete.

    Successfully removed SUNWspsapp
    Successfully removed SUNWspsc1
    Successfully removed SUNWspsj1

    app is ms when uninstalling a Master Server and cl when uninstalling a CLI Client.

    Note –

    The SUNWspsc1 and SUNWspsj1 packages are not removed if another application is installed on this server. For example, if you have a Master Server and a CLI Client both installed on the same server, when you uninstall only the Master Server, the SUNWspsc1 and SUNWspsj1 packages remain on the server until you uninstall the CLI Client.