Programming Interfaces Guide

Using lgrp_cookie_stale()

The lgrp_cookie_stale(3LGRP) function determines whether the snapshot of the lgroup hierarchy represented by the given cookie is current.

#include <sys/lgrp_user.h>
int lgrp_cookie_stale(lgrp_cookie_t cookie);

The cookie returned by the lgrp_init() function can become stale due to several reasons that depend on the view that the snapshot represents. A cookie that is returned by calling the lgrp_init() function with the view set to LGRP_VIEW_OS can become stale due to changes in the lgroup hierarchy such as dynamic reconfiguration or a change in a CPU's online status. A cookie that is returned by calling the lgrp_init() function with the view set to LGRP_VIEW_CALLER can become stale due to changes in the calling thread's processor set or changes in the lgroup hierarchy. A stale cookie is refreshed by calling the lgrp_fini() function with the old cookie, followed by calling lgrp_init() to generate a new cookie.

The lgrp_cookie_stale() function returns EINVAL when the given cookie is invalid.