System Administration Guide: Network Services

-h Feature

The sharemgr utility has an online help feature that describes sharemgr and its subcommands and options, and shows proper syntax. For online help, use -h.

This feature uses the following syntax:

# sharemgr [subcommand] -h

The following example uses -h to provide a complete description of the sharemgr utility.

example01# sharemgr -h
USAGE: # sharemgr [subcommand] [option] [share_group]

DESCRIPTION: Configures and manages file sharing

create        Makes (or creates) a new share group
delete        Removes a share group
list          Lists the current share groups
show          Lists the shares by share group
set           Sets a share group's properties
unset         Removes (or unsets) properties from a share group
add-share     Adds a new share to a share group
move-share    Moves a share from one share group to another
remove-share  Removes a share from a share group
set-share     Updates the properties associated with a share
disable       Unshares one or more share groups
enable        Shares one or more share groups
start         Used by the smf utility to share one or more share groups
stop          Used by the smf utility to unshare one or more share groups
-h            Online-help feature

sharemgr(1M) man page
System Administration Guide: Network Services

This next example uses -h to provide information about the set subcommand.

example02# sharemgr set -h
USAGE: # sharemgr set [-h] [-n] [-P protocol] [-S security-mode] [-p property=value] share_group

DESCRIPTION: Sets a share group's properties

-h  Online-help feature
-n  Checks the validity of the command-line string
-P  Specifies a file-system type.
-p  Specifies a property for the share group.
-S  Specifies the security mode, such as sys, dh, or krb5

aclok={true|false}        Enable access control lists (ACL) for NFS version 2.
anon=UID                  Specify the User ID for unknown users.
index=file path           Include the specified file in a content list for a directory.
log=tag                   Specify a tag to use for log messages.
nosub={true|false}        Disallow clients from mounting subdirectories of shares.
nosuid={true|false}       Disallow the use of the setuid() and setgid() functions.
ro={access-list|true|*}   If ro is set to an access-list, permissions for the list
                          are read-only. If ro is set to no value or to true, 
                          permissions for the share group are read-only. If ro
                          is set to an asterisk (*), permissions for all hosts
                          are set to read-only.
root={access-list|*}      If root  is set to an access-list, permissions for the
                          list are set to allow root access. If root is set to
                          an asterisk (*), all hosts have root access.
rw={access-list|true|*}   If rw is set to an access list, permissions for the list
                          are set to read-write. If rw is set to no value or to 
                          true, permissions for the share group are set to 
                          read-write. If rw is set to an asterisk (*), permissions
                          for all hosts are set to read-write.
window=integer            For the dh security mode, set the number of seconds a
                          credential is available.

sharemgr(1M) man page
System Administration Guide: Network Services
nfssec(5) man page for more information about security modes

For help, you can also refer to the sharemgr(1M) man page.