Developer's Guide to Oracle Solaris Security

PKCS #11 Functions: C_GetSlotList()

C_GetSlotList() uses a list of available slots. If no additional cryptographic providers have been installed other than, then C_GetSlotList() returns the default slot only. C_GetSlotList() uses the following syntax:

C_GetSlotList(CK_BBOOL tokenPresent, CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlotList, 
CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount);

When set to TRUE, tokenPresent limits the search to those slots whose tokens are present.

When pSlotList is set to NULL_PTR, C_GetSlotlist() returns the number of slots only. pulCount is a pointer to the location to receive the slot count.

When pSlotList points to the buffer to receive the slots, *pulCount is set to the maximum expected number of CK_SLOT_ID elements. On return, *pulCount is set to the actual number of CK_SLOT_ID elements.

Typically, PKCS #11 applications call C_GetSlotList() twice. The first time, C_GetSlotList() is called to get the number of slots for memory allocation. The second time, C_GetSlotList() is called to retrieve the slots.

Note –

The order of the slots is not guaranteed. The order of the slots can vary with each load of the PKCS #11 library.

In addition to CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED, CKR_GENERAL_ERROR, CKR_HOST_MEMORY, and CKR_OK, C_GetSlotlist() gets the following return values: