System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems

ProcedureHow to Remove a PCI Adapter Card

The following procedure has been updated for removing a PCIe adapter card. However, the procedure to remove an adapter card is the same whether you are using PCI or PCIe.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Determine which slot the PCI adapter card is in.

    For example:

    # cfgadm pci
    Ap_Id                          Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition
    pcie1                          unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown
    pcie2                          unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown
    pcie3                          unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown
    pcie4                          etherne/hp   connected    configured   ok
    pcie5                          pci-pci/hp   connected    configured   ok
    pcie6                          unknown      disconnected unconfigured unknown
  3. Stop the application that has the device open.

    For example, if the device is an Ethernet card, use the ifconfig command to bring down the interface and unplumb the interface.

  4. Unconfigure the device manually by using the cfgadm(1M) command as shown below. Or, if you have a PCIe adapter card, use the auto-configuration method, such as pressing the slot's Attention Button as defined by your platform guide.

    # cfgadm -c unconfigure pcie4
  5. Confirm that the device has been unconfigured.

    For example:

    # cfgadm pci
    Ap_Id                          Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition
    pcie1                          unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown
    pcie2                          unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown
    pcie3                          unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown
    pcie4                          unknown      connected    unconfigured unknown
    pcie5                          pci-pci/hp   connected    configured   ok
    pcie6                          unknown      disconnected unconfigured unknown

    Note –

    The Type and Condition also become unknown when the device is unconfigured.

  6. Disconnect the power to the slot manually. If the auto-configuration method is used, this step is not necessary. Refer to your platform guide for more information.

    # cfgadm -c disconnect pcie4
  7. Confirm that the device has been disconnected.

    For example:

    # cfgadm pci
    Ap_Id                          Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition
    pcie1                          unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown
    pcie2                          unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown
    pcie3                          unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown
    pcie4                          unknown      disconnected unconfigured unknown
    pcie5                          pci-pci/hp   connected    configured   ok
    pcie6                          unknown      disconnected unconfigured unknown 
  8. Follow appropriate instructions in your platform guide to remove the PCI adapter card. After the card is removed, the Receptacle state is empty.

    For example:

    # cfgadm pci
    Ap_Id                          Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition
    pcie1                          unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown
    pcie2                          unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown
    pcie3                          unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown
    pcie4                          unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown
    pcie5                          pci-pci/hp   connected    configured   ok
    pcie6                          unknown      disconnected unconfigured unknown

    Note –

    The auto-configuration method can be enabled or disabled at boot, depending on the platform implementation. Set the auto-configuration method as appropriate for your environment.