System Administration Guide: Security Services

Using Solaris Secure Shell (Task Map)

The following task map points to user procedures for using Solaris Secure Shell.



For Instructions 

Create a public/private key pair 

Enables access to Solaris Secure Shell for sites that require public-key authentication. 

How to Generate a Public/Private Key Pair for Use With Solaris Secure Shell

Change your passphrase 

Changes the phrase that authenticates your private key. 

How to Change the Passphrase for a Solaris Secure Shell Private Key

Log in with Solaris Secure Shell 

Provides encrypted Solaris Secure Shell communication when logging in remotely. The process is similar to using the rsh command.

How to Log In to a Remote Host With Solaris Secure Shell

Log in to Solaris Secure Shell without being prompted for a password  

Enables login by using an agent which provides your password to Solaris Secure Shell. 

How to Reduce Password Prompts in Solaris Secure Shell

Use port forwarding in Solaris Secure Shell 

Specifies a local port or a remote port to be used in a Solaris Secure Shell connection over TCP. 

How to Use Port Forwarding in Solaris Secure Shell

Copy files with Solaris Secure Shell 

Securely copies files between hosts. 

How to Copy Files With Solaris Secure Shell

Securely connect from a host inside a firewall to a host outside the firewall 

Uses Solaris Secure Shell commands that are compatible with HTTP or SOCKS5 to connect hosts that are separated by a firewall. 

How to Set Up Default Connections to Hosts Outside a Firewall