Introduction to the Oracle Solaris Developer Documentation

Map to the Oracle Solaris OS Man Page Collection

The Oracle Solaris OS provides detailed information about system internals through man pages. If you are unfamiliar with the man page concept, see the man page for the man(1) command itself or type man man on the command line. The Oracle Solaris OS provides more than 13,000 man pages. Man page collections are separated into sections, which vary slightly from vendor to vendor or even from one release to another release. Large sections are sometimes divided into volumes. References to commands often include the reference manual section or volume number next to the command. For example the man command might be referred to as man(1).

Viewing man pages at offers several advantages over viewing man pages from the command line. Each section or volume is presented as a book with an index and preface, and an alphabetized list of items with their short descriptions. In some sections, an introductory page provides an overview of the section.

The man pages for the Oracle Solaris OS are organized into sections and volumes as follows: