Memory and Thread Placement Optimization Developer's Guide

Options for the lgrpinfo Tool

When you call the lgrpinfo tool without any arguments, the tool's behavior is equivalent to using the options -celmrt all. The valid options for the lgrpinfo tool are:


This option prints the topology, CPU, memory, load and latency information for the specified lgroup IDs. This option combines the behaviors of the -tcemrlL options, unless you also specify the -T option. When you specify the -T option, the behavior of the -a option does not include the behavior of the -t option.


This option prints the CPU information.


This option replaces each lgroup in the list with its children. You cannot combine this option with the -P or -T options. When you do not specify any arguments, the tool applies this option to all lgroups.


This option prints lgroup load averages for leaf lgroups.


This option prints the OS view of the lgroup hierarchy. The tool's default behavior displays the caller's view of the lgroup hierarchy. The caller's view only includes the resources that the caller can use. See the lgrp_init(3LGRP) manual page for more details on the OS and caller's view.


This option prints the help message for the tool.


This option prints only IDs that match the IDs you specify. You can combine this option with the -c, -G, -C, or -P options. When you specify the -c option, the tool prints the list of CPUs that are in all of the matching lgroups. When you do not specify the -c option, the tool displays the IDs for the matching lgroups. When you do not specify any arguments, the tool applies this option to all lgroups.


This option prints information about lgroup latencies. The latency value given for each lgroup is defined by the operating system and is platform-specific. It can only be used for relative comparison of lgroups on the running system. It does not necessarily represent the actual latency between hardware devices and may not be applicable across platforms.


This option prints the lgroup latency table. This table shows the relative latency from each lgroup to each of the other lgroups.


This option prints memory information. The tool reports memory sizes in the units that give a size result in the integer range from 0 to 1023. You can override this behavior by using the -u option. The tool will only display fractional results for values smaller than 10.


This option replaces each lgroup in the list with its parent or parents. You cannot combine this option with the -C or -T options. When you do not specify any arguments, the tool applies this option to all lgroups.


This option prints information about lgroup resources. When you specify the -T option, the tool displays information about the resources of the intermediate lgroups only.


This option prints information about lgroup topology.


This option prints the lgroup topology of a system graphically, as a tree. You can only use this option with the -a, -c, -e, -G, -l, -L, -m, -r, and -u options. To restrict the output to intermediate lgroups, use the -r option. Omit the -t option when you combine the -T option with the -a option. This option does not print information for the root lgroup unless it is the only lgroup.


This option specifies memory units. The value of the units argument can be b, k, m, g, t, p, or e for bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, petabytes, or exabytes, respectively.