A P P E N D I X  A

Redirecting the Solaris OS Output to the Serial Port

The following procedure shows how to redirect the Solaris operating system (OS) output from the Sun Fire X2200 M2 server to a serial console. Use these instructions to redirect OS output after the software is installed.

Note - To redirect the server output to the console during OS installation, see the instructions in Chapter 2.

procedure icon  To Redirect the Solaris OS Output to the Serial Port

1. After the Solaris OS is installed, log in to the server as root (superuser).

2. Make edits to the following files:

a. Edit and save the following lines in the /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc file to read as follows:

setprop console ’ttyb’
setprop ttyb-mode 115200,8,n,1,-

b. Edit the following line in the /boot/grub/menu.lst file to read as follows:

kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B console=ttyb

c. Add and save the following line to the end of the /kernel/drv/asy.conf file:

name="asy" parent="isa" reg=1,0x2f8,8 interrupts=3;

d. Edit and save the following line in the /var/svc/manifest/system/console-login.xml file as follows:

propval name=’label’ type=’astring’ value=’115200’/

3. Reboot the system with the following command:

reboot -- -r

You should then be sent back to the CLI prompt:

4. (If necessary) Login in to the service processor’s command-line interface (CLI)

The CLI prompt appears:

For information about logging in to and using the CLI, see the Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide for the Sun Fire X2200M2 and X2100M2 Servers.

5. Navigate to the /SP/AgentInfo namespace:

-> cd /SP/AgentInfo

6. Run the following command:

start console

You should now begin to see console output of the system starting up.