C H A P T E R  3

Downloading Server-Specific Driver Packages

This chapter describes how to download the server-specific driver packages needed for Windows Server 2003 installation.

Note - If you have the Tools and Drivers CD (or Resource CD 705-1438-11 or later), you can skip this chapter and proceed to Chapter 4. You can use the CD for initial installation of the server-specific drivers.

The server-specific driver packages available for Windows Server 2003 installation are:

Note - The full name of the driver packages incorporates a version identifier before the file extension, for example, FloppyPack_1_1_2.zip. This identifier is left out of the file names in this document for purposes of clarity.

To download the drivers:

1. Go to the driver download site.

For Sun Fire X4600 server: http://www.sun.com/servers/x64/x4600/downloads.jsp

2. Do one of the following:

Note - The full name of the driver packages incorporates a version identifier before the file extension, for example, FloppyPack_1_1_2.zip. This identifier is left out of the file names in this document for purposes of clarity.

3. Make sure that the driver packages are available as you begin the operating system installation. Proceed to Chapter 4 to select the delivery methods.