SunVideo Plus for PCI User's Guide

Video Ports, Formats, and Auto Format Detection

The default behavior of the XIL drivers is to auto detect the video format on the selected video port during device image creation. This auto detect sequence can take up to 1.5 seconds to complete. If you know the video format, the video format in the SunVideo Plus control panel can be set from AUTO to the known format (NTSC or PAL). Auto format detection is not performed in this case.

The SunVideo Plus does not currently support having two different video formats (such as NTSC or PAL) on different video ports and switching between them dynamically. When the device image is created in an XIL application, the SunVideo Plus drivers will possibly auto detect the video format on the selected video port. For this reason, it is best to set the desired video port using xil_device_set_value(3) prior to creating the device image if you do have different video formats plugged into the various video input ports. You should also do this if you do not have video plugged into the default video port (port 1).