SunVideo Plus for PCI User's Guide

The SunVideo Plus Control Panel and XIL Attributes

All of the video related parameters in the SunVideo Plus control panel have XIL attributes that enable an application developer to programmatically change these parameters. These attributes in XIL do not have default values because the default value is the current value set by the control panel. Thus, unless an application explicitly sets a given video attribute, the control panel value is used.

This is a feature of SunVideo Plus. It removes the responsibility of setting video parameters (such as brightness, contrast, and so on) out of an XIL application. Thus, end users can tune these video parameters for their video source once and not have to deal with making the same changes each time they run an XIL application.

Note that the source for both of these XIL attributes and the parameter in the control panel is the same. Therefore, making a change to one of these parameters through an XIL set attribute call will also change the value in the control panel. For example, if an XIL application sets the brightness to a given value and then exits, the next XIL application that is run will use this new brightness setting unless it also sets a new value.