Java Desktop System 2003 Release Notes

How to Set the Time

The following procedure describes how to set the time on the Java Desktop System:

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Choose Launch -> Preferences -> System, then click Time zone.

  3. Enter the root password in the Password dialog.

  4. Select the time zone for your location.

  5. Select whether your hardware clock is set to local time or UTC. If you select UTC, Daylight Savings Time is automatically adjusted for your time zone. If you set your system for dual booting with another unsupported operating system, you might want to set the hardware clock to local time.

  6. Set the time in the following way:

    1. Choose Launch -> Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal

    2. Log in as root using the su command.

    3. Enter a date string using the date - s command

      where date string is a string formatted as the output of the date command. For example:

      date -s Wed Oct 29 16:11:16 GMT 2003

      Alternatively, if you have access to a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server, use the ntpdate command as in the following example to set the time zone and synchronize the clock:

      ntpdate -b

    4. Synchronize the hardware clock to the UNIX clock using the following command:

      hwclock --systohc