GNOME 2.2 Desktop on Linux User Guide

Nautilus File Manager

The Nautilus file manager provides an integrated access point to your files, applications, FTP sites, and URIs. To open a file manager window, double-click on the Documents object on the desktop. The following figure shows a file manager window that displays the contents of a folder.

A sample file manager window. The context describes the graphic.

A file manager window can contain the following panes:

Side pane

Enables you to navigate through your files. This pane also displays information about the current file or folder. The side pane is on the left side of the window.

View pane

Displays the contents of files and folders. The view pane is on the right side of the window.

The file manager enables you to do the following:

The file manager also creates the desktop.

To Open Files From the File Manager

To navigate to the folder where the file that you want to open resides, double-click on the folder icons in the view pane. When the file that you want to open is displayed, double-click on the file icon to open the file.

To Move Files Between Folders

You can move files between folders by opening two or more file manager windows. Open a different folder in each window, then drag the files from one window to the other.