GNOME 2.2 Desktop on Linux User Guide

Launcher Commands

The type of commands that you can enter in the Command field depend on the option that you choose from the Type drop-down combination box. If you choose Application from the Type drop-down combination box, you can enter a normal command. The following table shows some sample commands and the actions that the commands perform:

Sample Application Command 



Starts the gedit text editor application.

gedit /user123/loremipsum.txt

Opens the file /user123/loremipsum.txt in the gedit text editor application.

nautilus /user123/Projects

Opens the folder /user123/Projects in a file manager window.

If you choose Link from the Type drop-down combination box, you can enter a link command. The following table shows some sample link commands and the actions that the commands perform:

Sample Link Command 


Opens the GNOME website in your default browser.

Opens the GNOME FTP site in your default browser.  


Opens the Applications location in a file manager window. Double-click on an application to start the application.


Opens the Desktop Preferences location in a file manager window. Double-click on a preference tool to start the preference tool.