Getting Started

Welcome to the Sun Javatrademark Desktop System (SJDS), Release 2.

There are two options available for managing the desktop systems:

This user guide describes each of these management options and points you to the relevant documentation for installing and running the software. This documentation can be found on the SJDS Management Tools CD-ROM.

Sun Javatrademark Desktop System Configuration Manager

The Sun Java Desktop System Configuration Manager is a tool that offers centralized management of configuration settings for desktop applications. It allows administrators to manage desktop systems and create a consistent environment for their users. It offers the ability to define and lock configuration settings from a single point of control. Administrators can use effective methodologies, such as the grouping of definitions, called configuration policies, to help manage both small- and large-scale deployments efficiently from a central location. As a consequence, this helps to reduce the costs of administration and user support.


In particular, the Configuration Manager has the following benefits:

Suntrademark Control Station 2.1

The Sun Control Station is a software package that allows administrators to take control of their systems: tracking and applying software updates, deploying new services, monitoring the health and performance of systems. More than just a typical "systems" management device, the Sun Control Station is a platform that will help you in the "life-cycle" management of your systems, from initial setup through eventual redeployment at the end of useful life. As an added benefit, customers can continue to use third-party or homegrown software in conjunction with the Sun Control Station.

The Sun Control Station consists of two parts: a core framework that is the engine for executing control modules, and the built-in control modules themselves. These control modules can come from Sun Microsystems, Inc., from third-party vendors or from your own in-house design team. The Sun Control Station ships with five pre-installed modules: AllStart, Health Monitoring, Inventory, Performance and Software Management.

Through the Sun Control Station, you can fully control the distribution of software payloads, offering customized and tailor-made services to downstream and end-user customers. Service Providers can offer unique payloads, data or software monitoring services. By leveraging remote software servers, all available software updates and patches can be accessed and distributed to your managed hosts, as designated by the Administrator. Custom-built and third-party software can also be distributed.

Services on the Sun Control Station

Here is a sample of what you can do with the Sun Control Station:

These services can be used within an extranet or an intranet environment, or across the Internet.

Installing the Software

Configuration Manager

To install the Configuration Manager, refer to the PDF Sun Javatrademark Desktop System Configuration Manager Installation Guide (817-5478) on the Management Tools CD-ROM.

This document explains, among other things, how to:

Sun Control Station

To install the Sun Control Station software, refer to the PDF Sun Control Station Software Installation (817-3604) on the Management Tools CD-ROM.

This document explains, among other things, how to:

Online Documentation

To access the documentation online for the Configuration Manager or the Sun Control Station, visit

On the main page, click the tab "Product Categories". Under the Software category, click the "+" icon to expand the collections for the following links: "Sun Java Systems", then "Sun Java Desktop System" and finally "Sun Java Desktop System, Release 2 Management Tools".