Java Desktop System Release 2 Troubleshooting Guide

Part II Linux Systems

This part of the manual describes problems and workarounds for the Java Desktop System Release 2 on Linux systems.

Chapter 2 System Issues on Linux Systems

This chapter describes known issues with the Java Desktop System Release 2 on Linux systems.

2.1 Getting Started

2.1.1 Version Mismatch During Compilation of Kernel Modules


Users of Pentium 4 and other hyper-threading capable processors might experience version mismatch errors when compiling kernel modules. 


Perform the following steps:

  1. Edit the following file: /usr/src/linux-2.4.19.SuSE/linux/version.h

  2. Replace the following line: #define UTS_RELEASE "2.4.19-4GB"

    With the following line: #define UTS_RELEASE "2.4.19-64GB-SMP"

2.1.2 Mounts From /net Do Not Work


Bug ID: 4908595 

Mounts from /net do not work. This problem occurs because the autofs4 utility loads the wrong kernel module by default


Perform the following actions when you install the system: 

  1. Open the following file with a text editor: /etc/modules.conf

  2. Uncomment the following line:

    # alias autofs autofs4

2.1.3 Installation Fails


Some Red Hat Package Managers (RPMs) might not recognize the underlying Linux release on your machine. If you attempt to install these RPM files on your system, the installation might fail.


RPMs require a specific Linux version in the /etc/SuSE-release file for the installation to succeed on your system.

Change to a version of Linux that the RPM recognizes, for example SuSE Linux 8.1 (i386) Version=8.1

2.1.4 Screen Display Problems


The screen resolution set by the installation process might be inappropriate for your system. This mismatch might cause screen display problems. Depending on your system hardware you can reconfigure your screen resolution during system setup. 


After the initial Welcome screen is presented, the Installation screen is displayed. Perform the following actions: 

  1. Press F2 immediately to verify that the resolution you want is selected.

  2. Choose the desired resolution, then press Enter. If you choose a resolution that is above the capabilities of your display hardware the lower part of the screen is not visible during the installation. In that case, restart the installation and select a lower resolution.

  3. Use the arrow keys to select Installation, then press Enter.

Only resolution values that are enabled in YaST are available in the screen resolution dialog.

2.1.5 System Does Not Eject RPM CD


If you install RPMs from a CD in multi-user mode, the system cannot eject the CD automatically.  


Enter the eject cdrom command to eject the CD.

2.1.6 Backspace Erroneously Inserted


If you log in to a Java Desktop System session from a Sun Ray™ client or Solaris machine, each time you press the L key on your keyboard, a backspace is inserted.


Use either of the following solutions: 

  • After you log in to the Java Desktop System, use the xmodmap command to redefine the L key.

  • Log in to the Java Desktop System as root and remove the /etc/X11/Xmodmap file.

2.1.7 Panel Crashes on Log In


When you log in to the Java Desktop System after rebooting the system, panels might crash.


Wait for the Panel application to restart.

2.1.8 Boot Splash Screen Not Visible After Updating the Installation


Bug ID: 5026577 

After you have performed an installation to update an earlier version of the Java Desktop System, the boot splash screen does not appear. This problem is caused by a missing link in the /usr/share/splash/themes directory.


Perform the following steps: 

  1. Log in as root user.

  2. Execute the following command: cd /usr/share/splash/theme

  3. Execute the following command: execute ln -s Sun current

  4. Execute the following command: execute mkinitrd

2.1.9 File System RPM Install Fails After Updating the Installation


Bug ID: 5028130 

After you have performed an installation to update an earlier version of the Java Desktop System, the file system RPM fails to install.

This problem occurs when you perform a YaST2 system update from CDs, with the default automount enabled in the Nautilus file manager. The problem also occurs when you perform a YaST2 system NFS update when a CD is mounted at /media/cdrom.

This problem does not occur when you perform a network update, after booting from a CD. 


Perform the following steps before you start a YaST2 system update installation:

  1. Remove all CDROMs from system.

  2. Select LaunchPreferencesAdvancedCD Device Options.

  3. Deselect the Mount CD when Inserted option, then select Close.

  4. Continue as normal with the system installation update.

2.1.10 Boxes Attached To Windows After Updating the Installation


Bug ID: 5017762 

After you have performed an installation to update an earlier version of the Java Desktop System the Input Method Switcher applet is not added to the default panel. A symptom of this problem is that boxes are attached to windows.

The default panel configuration on Java Desktop System Release 2 is different from earlier releases of the Java Desktop System. You might experience this problem if you log into an earlier version of the Java Desktop System.


Right-click on a panel, then choose Add to PanelUtilityInput Method Switcher.

2.2 General Desktop Problems

2.2.1 Files Do Not Open


If you try to open a document from a directory that is mounted with NFS the File Manager displays an error if the application owning the document cannot process a filename argument passed as a URL

For example, StarOffice™, OpenOffice, vi, acroread, and ggv applications cannot process URLs, therefore the File Manager encounters errors when opening NFS files with these applications.

The same problem arises for files in directories that are mounted with Samba (SMB). 


Copy the files to a local directory, in other words, not a Samba or NFS directory. 

2.2.2 File Manager Crashes


Bug ID: 5029196 

The Nautilus file manager might crash if a directory structure is longer than 290 plain Latin characters.


Do not create directory structures longer than 290 plain Latin characters, if you want to access the directory structures using the Nautilus file manager. There is no limitation to the character length of a directory structure when you browse the file system using the Terminal application.

2.2.3 Blueprint Theme Does Not Display Correctly


The Blueprint Beta theme is for evaluation only. Do not use the Blueprint Beta theme under normal circumstances. This theme has known bugs and is not supported. 


If you want to evaluate the Blueprint Beta theme, choose View Apply ThemeBlueprint Beta.

2.2.4 Blank Pages Print Out From Ghostscript


Bug ID: 4984611 

Blank pages print out when CUPS is used through Ghostscript.


Because CUPS accounting information is usually not necessary, you can disable the accounting functionality in the cupsomatic filter. Perform the following steps:

  1. Log in as root user.

  2. Open the following file: /usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic

  3. Change the following line:

    my $ps_accounting = 1;


    my $ps_accounting = 0;

If you use/etc/foomatic/filter.conf, disable ps_accounting in that location.

2.2.5 Cannot Eject a Floppy Disk


Bug ID: 4948512 

You cannot eject a floppy disk from the floppy disk drive by using the floppy disk icon on the desktop. An error message says that only the root user can eject the floppy disk. This problem occurs if the floppy disk icon is mounted on the desktop by one user, and then a second user logs in and tries to use the icon to eject a floppy disk. 


Change user to users in the /etc/fstab file for fd0.

2.2.6 Cannot Eject a CDROM


Bug ID: 4966284 

You cannot eject a CDROM from the CDROM drive. This problem occurs because the fam daemon holds onto the CDROM device so that the file manager cannot unmount the device and eject the CDROM.


Perform the following steps to eject a CDROM from the CDROM drive: 

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Open a terminal window.

  3. Execute the following command: pkill fam

  4. Execute the following command: eject cdrom

2.2.7 Mouse Wheel Does Not Work


Bug ID: 4948755 

The mouse wheel does not work when running Java applications. 


Perform the following actions when you install the system: 

  1. Open the following file with a text editor: XF86Config

  2. Insert the following line: Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

2.3 Network Problems

2.3.1 PPP Connection Does Not Work


You cannot connect to the network using a dial-up PPP connection. 


If you are using a modem for your network connection, and you require a dial up PPP connection, use the Linux PPP dialer command utility wvdial.

2.3.2 Modem Dialup Does Not Work


Bug ID: 4955086 

Modem dialup does not work for non-root users. This problem occurs because the setuid bit in the pppd utility is not set. The setuid bit on wvdial is also not set.


Perform the following actions: 

  1. Log in as root user.

  2. Execute the following command: chmod +s /usr/sbin/pppd

2.3.3 Network Places Do Not Appear


New network places do not appear in the Network Places window.


Log out and log in again. 

Chapter 3 Application Issues on Systems

This chapter describes known issues with specific applications in the Java Desktop System Release 2 on Linux systems.

3.1 Email and Calendar

3.1.1 Evolution vFolders Do Not Work


Bug ID: 5018480 

The vFolders functionality does not work in Evolution.


You need to restart Evolution after you create new vFolders.

3.1.2 Evolution Crashes


Bug ID: 5029522 

Evolution might crash when you add an invalid character sequence into the Web address field, when you edit Contacts.


Use only valid URLs, for example URLs without multibyte characters and spaces. 

3.1.3 Evolution Installation Hangs


Bug ID: 5030708 

The installation of Evolution appears to stop at the 95% complete point. The installation of the Evolution RPM can take up to eight minutes. The installation time is needed to register the Evolution documentation on Scrollkeeper.


Wait eight minutes. 

3.2 Gedit Text Editor

3.2.1 Cannot Input Multibyte Characters


Bug ID: 4937266 

When you enable the Auto Indent function in the gedit text editor, you cannot input multibyte characters correctly.


Disable the Auto Indent function. Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose EditPreferences.

  2. In the Categories list, select Editor, then Auto Indent.

  3. Deselect the Enable auto indentation option.

3.3 Macromedia Flash Player

3.3.1 Text Does Not Display


When color depth is set to 256 colors, 8 bit, text does not display in Macromedia Flash Player 6.


Set the color depth to 16 bit or higher. 

3.4 Mozilla

3.4.1 Application Crashes While Mozilla is Running


If an application shuts down unexpectedly while Mozilla is running, Mozilla fails to clear the profile lock file. After you reboot your applications and launch Mozilla, a dialog displays the following error message:

Mozilla cannot use the profile because it is in use. Please choose another profile or create a new one.


Remove the following file: $HOME/.mozilla/<profilename>/<random>/lock

3.4.2 Mozilla Crashes When You Click on an RPM Hyperlink RPM


Mozilla crashes, when you click on a hyperlink to a Linux RPM package file. 

Mozilla registers all .rpm files as RealPlayer media. If you click on a Linux package file, Mozilla crashes because the RealPlayer plugin does not process invalid .rpm files correctly.


Right-click on the .rpm link and select Save Link Target As... from the menu.

3.4.3 Mozilla Cannot Connect to gdict


You cannot connect to the gdict server through a firewall.


Port 2628 must be permitted by the firewall. 

3.4.4 Mozilla Cannot Connect to an Internal Mail Server


Mozilla mail cannot connect to an internal mail server through the socks server.


If you use applications proxy settings in Mozilla, do not set socks host in the Launch -> Preferences -> Internet settings.

3.4.5 Mozilla Crashes When You Paste Text


Mozilla crashes when you attempt to paste text from other applications into the Mozilla window.


When you copy text from other applications to Mozilla, you must press Ctrl + V once and release the keys immediately to successfully paste the text.

Mozilla crashes if you do not release Ctrl + V keys immediately after you paste the text.

3.5 Sound Recorder

3.5.1 Slide Bar and Counter Do Not Work


The slide bar and time counter do not work when recording a new .wav file.


There is no indication that a recording is taking place. 

3.5.2 Sound File Does Not Play Twice


You cannot play a .wav file more than once in the same instance of Sound Recorder.


You must open another instance of Sound Recorder and play the .wav file as a workaround.

Chapter 4 Localization Issues on Linux Systems

This chapter describes localization issues in the Java Desktop System Release 2 on Linux systems.

4.1 All Locales

4.1.1 ATOK X AUX Functions Do Not Work


In this release, ATOK X input method AUX functions do not work. This problem affects the following ATOK X AUX functions: 

  • AtokPaletteAux

  • SystemLineAux

  • CharPaletteAux

  • PropertyAux

  • CustomizerAux

  • RegWordAux

  • DicUTAux


Do not use ATOK X AUX functions. If you want to enable ATOK X AUX functions in Japanese locales only, perform the following procedure to replace the RPMs. If you implement this change, all input methods other than ATOK X become unusable in all language environments. 

  1. Choose Failsafe Terminal in the login screen menu, then log in as root user.

  2. Execute the following commands to stop the IIIM and ATOK X daemons:

    # sh /etc/init.d/atokx stop

    # sh /etc/init.d/IIim stop

  3. Remove the following RPMs:

    • iiimf-csconv

    • iiimf-protocol-lib

    • iiimf-protocol-lib-devel

    • iiimf-client-lib

    • iiimf-client-lib-devel

    • iiimf-x

    • iiimf-gtk

    • iiimf-server

    • iiimf-le-Asian-koKR-sun

    • iiimf-le-Asian-thTH-sun

    • iiimf-le-Asian-zhCN-sun

    • iiimf-le-Asian-zhHK-sun

    • iiimf-le-Asian-zhTW-sun

    • iiimf-le-unit

    • iiimf-docs


    #rpm -e 'rpm -q -a | grep iiimf'

  4. Install the following RPMs located at /usr/lib/im/locale/ja/atokserver/rpm:




    # rpm -ihv /usr/lib/im/locale/ja/atokserver/rpm/*.rpm

  5. Execute the following commands to change the symbolic link to

    1. # cd /usr/lib/im/locale/ja/atokserver

    2. # rm

    3. # ln -s

  6. Use the following commands to start the IIIM and ATOK X daemons, or reboot the system:

    1. # sh /etc/init.d/IIim start

    2. # sh /etc/init.d/atokx start


To revert to the original configuration, perform the following procedure to replace the RPMs: 

  1. Choose Failsafe Terminal in the login screen menu, then log in as root user.

  2. Execute the following commands to stop the IIIM and ATOK X daemons:

    # sh /etc/init.d/atokx stop

    # sh /etc/init.d/IIim stop

    Remove the following RPMs: iiimf, iiimf_conv

    Example: # rpm -e rmp -q -a| grep iiimf

  3. Install the following RPMs from the installation media:

    • iiimf-csconv

    • iiimf-protocol-lib

    • iiimf-protocol-lib-devel

    • iiimf-client-lib

    • iiimf-client-lib-devel

    • iiimf-x

    • iiimf-gtk

    • iiimf-server

    • iiimf-le-Asian-koKR-sun

    • iiimf-le-Asian-thTH-sun

    • iiimf-le-Asian-zhCN-sun

    • iiimf-le-Asian-zhHK-sun

    • iiimf-le-Asian-zhTW-sun

    • iiimf-le-unit

    • iiimf-docs


    1. Enter the following command from the command line: yast2

    2. Select Insall or Remove Software.

    3. Select Search from the Filter drop-down list.

    4. Enter the following string in the Search field: iiimf

    5. Click Search.

    6. Select the iiimf packages from the list and click Accept.

  4. Execute the following commands to change the symbolic link to

    1. # cd /usr/lib/im/locale/ja/atokserver

    2. # rm

    3. # ln -s

  5. Use the following commands to start the IIIM and ATOK X daemons, or reboot the system:

    1. # sh /etc/init.d/IIim start

    2. # sh /etc/init.d/atokx start

4.1.2 PDF Printing Does Not Work


Bug ID: 4928658 

Affects the following locales: 

  • Asian locales

  • Polish locales

  • Russian locales

You cannot use GNOME applications to create PDF documents that contain multibyte characters. This problem affects Gedit and other GNOME applications that use the libgnomeprint library.


Print your files to postscript, and then use the ps2pdf utility to convert the postscript file into a PDF file.

4.1.3 Legacy Languages Do Not Appear on the Login Screen


Bug ID: 4884887 

Legacy languages have been removed from the login screen. The only languages that appear on the login screen are as follows: 

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Spanish

  • Swedish

  • Traditional Chinese


If you want to have the legacy locales on your login screen, then ask your system administrator to uncomment the entries for the locales in the following file: /etc/X11/gdm/locale.alias

Your system administrator then needs to reboot your system. The legacy locales should then appear in the login screen. 

4.1.4 Cannot Display Localized Filenames And Directory Names


Bug ID: 4961948 

Affects all locales. 

If a Windows partition exists on the hard disk, the installer automatically mounts the partition during installation, and sets the iocharset option or the nls option in the /etc/fstab file to iso-8859–1. This is not the correct value of the iocharset option or the nls option. As a result, the system cannot display localized files or directory names.


You need to assign a correct value for the iocharset option or the nls option in the /etc/fstab file for the current locale. Use the values in the following table.

Examples of /etc/fstab file content for the iocharset option and nls option:

  • /dev/sda1 /windows/C ntfs ro,users,gid=users,umask=0002,nls=utf8 0 0

  • /dev/sda2 /windows/C vfat users,gid=users,umask=0002,iocharset=utf8,codepage=932



























*Change big5 and gb2312 to utf8 if a Chinese UTF-8 locale is used.

4.1.5 Modifier Keys Do Not Function Correctly


Bug ID: 4996542 

The Alt key and Shift key might not function as modifier keys when you use the Internet/Intranet input method. The following problems are known:

  • You might not be able to make a selection in a text using the Shift+arrow key combination. Latin characters might be inserted instead.


Use a different input method, for example Default. To switch input methods, right-click on an object and select Input method.

4.1.6 Strings Are Rendered Incorrectly


Bug ID: 4985397, 4980153, 4989628, 4985397, 5028177, 5028408 

On some graphic adaptors, some strings might be rendered incorrectly in the post-installation stage of the Java Desktop System installation. This usually happens when you configure hardware devices such as sound cards, network cards or printers.


This problem only occurs during the installation of the Java Desktop System. You can easily configure hardware devices using the YaST2 application after the installation process finishes. To fix this problem, complete the installation process, then log in as root user and customize the necessary hardware settings.

4.2 Chinese Locales

4.2.1 Characters Print With a Box


Bug ID: 4977300 

Affects the following locales: 

  • Chinese locales

  • Korean locales

Characters printed out from Mozilla to a postscript file are printed with a box. This is because the postscript printer does not bundle Chinese or Korean fonts. CUPS needs to convert the Mozilla postscript fonts before the file can be printed.


  1. Choose LaunchPreferencesPrinters.

  2. Right-click the PostScript printer icon, then select the Properties menu.

  3. Open the Advanced tab.

  4. Set the Ghostscript pre-filtering to Convert to PS level 1.

4.2.2 YaST2 Is Not Localized in HK Locales


Bug ID: 5005385 

Affects the following locales: 

  • zh_HK.big5hkscs

  • zh_HK.UTF-8

When you log into the affected locales, the YaST2 application is not localized.


The YaST2 messages for the zh_HK locales are the same as those for the zh_TW locales. Perform the following steps to create a symbolic link from the zh_HK locale to the zh_TW locale:

  1. cd /usr/share/YaST2/locale/

  2. ln -s zh_TW zh_HK

4.3 Japanese Locales

4.3.1 Cannot Read Evolution Attachments


Bug ID: 5021121 

Affects the following locales: 

  • Asian locales

  • Japanese locales

When you write email with Evolution on non-UTF-8 locales, and attach files with localized content, the mailer cannot apply the correct encoding to the file. The recipient of the mail cannot read the attachment correctly.


Save the attachment as a file and ensure that the file has the correct encoding.