Java Desktop System Release 2 Troubleshooting Guide

Part III Solaris Systems

This part of the manual describes problems that occur in the Java Desktop System Release 2 on Solaris systems.

Chapter 5 Issues on Solaris Systems

This chapter describes known issues with the Java Desktop System Release 2 on Solaris systems.

5.1 General Desktop Issues

5.1.1 Keyboard Shortcuts Conflict With Common Shortcuts


Bug ID: 5084877 

Keyboard shortcuts configured for switching the desktop resolution and Xserver shutdown conflict with commonly-used shortcuts.


Turn off NumLock.

5.2 Applications on Solaris Systems

5.2.1 Cannot Send Email


Bug ID: 5085693 

Application: Evolution Email and Calendar application.

You cannot send any emails. This problem occurs after you send an email to an invalid address. 


Remove the email from the outbox that has an invalid To address. You can then continue to send mails to valid addresses. 

5.2.2 Email and Calendar Application Crashes


Bug ID: 5091847 

Application: Evolution Email and Calendar application.

The application crashes. This problem occurs after you send an email to an invalid address. 


Restart the application. Make sure that you send emails only to valid addresses. 

5.2.3 Inbox Lost


Bug ID: 5082480 

Application: Evolution Email and Calendar application.

If you drag the Inbox to another folder, the Inbox is lost. 


Do not drag the Inbox to another folder. 

Perform the following steps to recover your Inbox contents: 

  1. Try Send/Receive again. This action creates a new Inbox, or if you have set the application to check mails automatically, then a new box Inbox is created after the next attempt at Send/Receive.

  2. Select all the messages in the original Inbox, then move the messages to the new Inbox.

  3. Delete the original Inbox.

5.2.4 Cannot Display Multibyte Characters in Email To Field


Bug ID: 5070465 

Application: Evolution Email and Calendar application.

The To field cannot display multibyte characters.


Implement the address in the Address Book of the Evolution application.

5.2.5 Archive Manager Does Not Display Multibyte Characters


Bug ID: 5069958 

Application: File Roller archive manager.

The application does not display multibyte characters in filenames. 


Use .zip or .jar files as the archive format.

5.2.6 Dragging Folder To Application Causes Crash


Bug ID: 5098546 

Application: File Roller archive manager.

If you drag a document folder from the desktop into the archive manager to create a new archive, the application crashes. 


You can add a document folder to the archive manager in the following ways: 

  • Choose EditAdd Files

  • Click Add.

5.2.7 Text Editor Freezes With a Specific Font


Bug ID: 5088405 

Application: gedit text editor

The application freezes when you switch to the HG-GothicB-Sun font. 


Use the default font Monospace. 

5.3 Localization Issues on Solaris Systems

5.3.1 Special Keyboard Keys Do Not Work in All European Locales


Bug ID: 5077631 

Special keys on the left of the keyboard do not work on all European keyboard mappings. 


Use shortcut keys instead of the special keyboard keys. For example: Ctrl+Z is Undo, Ctrl+C is Copy. Ctrl+V is Paste, and Ctrl+Tab switches windows.