Java Desktop System Release 2 User Guide

To Move a File or Folder

The following sections describe the ways that you can move a file or folder.

Drag to the New Location in a View Pane

To drag a file or folder to a new location in a view pane, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a file manager window. Choose File -> New Window to open a second file manager window.

  2. In one window, select the folder from which you want to move the file or folder. In the other window, select the folder to which you want to move the file or folder.

  3. Drag the file or folder that you want to move to the new location in the other window.

To move the file or folder to a folder that is one level below the current location, do not open a new window. Instead, drag the file or folder to the new location in the same window.

Cut and Paste to the New Location

You can cut a file or folder and paste the file or folder into another folder, as follows:

  1. Select the file or folder that you want to move, then choose Edit -> Cut File.

  2. Open the folder to which you want to move the file or folder, then choose Edit -> Paste Files.