Java Desktop System Release 2 User Guide

Panel Applications

A panel application is a small application whose user interface resides within a panel. For example, the following figure shows the following panel applications, from left to right:

Sample panel applications. The context describes the graphic.

To Add an Application to a Panel

You can add an application to a panel from the panel popup menu. Right-click on any vacant space on the panel to open the panel popup menu. Choose Add to Panel, then choose the panel application that you want to add from one of the following submenus:

Alternatively, drag the panel application from the submenu on to the panel.

To Select a Panel Application

To modify the properties of a panel application, you must first right-click on the panel application to display the panel object popup menu. To move a panel application, you must middle-click on the panel application.

Some restrictions apply on where you can click on a panel application in order to display the panel object popup menu, or to move the panel application, as follows:

To Modify Preferences for a Panel Application

To modify the preferences for a panel application perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the panel application, then choose Preferences. Use the Preferences dialog to modify the preferences as required. The preferences for panel applications vary depending on the panel application.

  2. Click Close to close the Preferences dialog.