Java Desktop System Release 2 User Guide

Introducing Panels

When you start a session for the first time, the Java Desktop System contains at least one panel. Your system administrator might have set your default panels according to your local requirements, so you might see slightly different default panels.

You can change the behavior and appearance of your panels to suit your requirements. You can also add or remove objects from your panels. You can create multiple panels, and choose different properties, objects, and backgrounds for each panel. You can also hide panels.

Typically, the Java Desktop System contains a preconfigured panel displayed at the bottom edge of the screen.

Bottom Edge Panel

The bottom edge panel contains the following items:




The Launch button contains menus and menu items for applications and configuration tools on the Java Desktop System.


Displays the time and date in a panel.  

Show Desktop

 Displays a button that you can click to minimize all open windows.

Window List

Displays a button for each window that is open. You can click on a window list button to minimize and restore windows. 

Notification Area

Displays icons from various applications to indicate activity in the application. 

Workspace Switcher

Displays a visual representation of your workspaces. You can use Workspace Switcher to switch between workspaces.

Volume Control

Displays a button that enables you to control and set the sound level for your system. 

Network Monitor

Displays the status of a network device. 

Input Method Switcher

Displays a button to provides integral and multilingual input method capabilities.