Java Desktop System Release 2 User Guide

To Specify How to Transfer Data Between a PDA and Applications

Perform the following steps:

  1. Click Launch, then choose Preferences -> PDA Devices to start the PDA Devices preference tool.

  2. Ensure that the PDA daemon is active and functions properly. To do this, add the gnome-pilot applet to a panel. If the gnome-pilot applet icon appears in black and white, the PDA daemon is active.

  3. In the Conduits tabbed section on the Pilot Settings dialog, select the PDA whose conduits you want to configure from the Pilot Name drop-down list.

  4. To enable a conduit, select the conduit from the table, then click on the Enable button.

  5. To disable a conduit, select the conduit from the table, then click on the Disable button.

  6. To configure a conduit, select the conduit from the table, then click on the Settings button. Enter configuration details for the conduit in the Conduit Settings dialog. The elements in the Conduit Settings dialog are described in the following table:




    Select the action to perform when you do a HotSync operation. 

    Select one of the following options: 

    • Disabled: Select this option to take no action for this conduit.

    • Synchronize: Select this option to synchronize data on your PDA with data on your computer.

    • Copy from pilot: Select this option to copy data from your PDA to your computer, and overwrite the data on your computer.

    • Copy to pilot: Select this option to copy data from your computer to your PDA, and overwrite the data on your PDA.

    One Time Action

    Select an action to perform once only. The action is performed the next time that you do a HotSync operation. Select one of the following options: 

    • None: Select this option to if you do want to configure a one-time conduit action.

    • Synchronize: Select this option to synchronize data on your PDA with data on your computer.

    • Copy from pilot: Select this option to copy data from your PDA to your computer, and overwrite the data on your computer.

    • Copy to pilot: Select this option to copy data from your computer to your PDA, and overwrite the data on your PDA.

    Backup directory

    Enter the directory where you want to store your PDA backup data. 

    Backup conduit only.

    Only backup changed bases

    Select this option to back up only data that has changed since the last backup. The unchanged data is not deleted from your backup directory. 

    Backup conduit only.

    Remove local base if deleted on pilot

    Select this option to delete data from your computer that has been deleted from your PDA. 

    Backup conduit only.

    # of old backups to keep

    Use the spin box to specify how many previous backups to retain on your computer. 

    Backup conduit only.

    Sync Private Records

    Select this option if you want to include data that is marked as private, when you perform a HotSync operation. 

    This options applies to the following conduits only: 

    • EAddress

    • ECalendar

    • EToDo

    Default Sync Address

    Your contacts might have more than one address. For example, your contacts might have a business address and a home address. The contacts manager on your PDA might not support multiple addresses. 

    Select the category of address that you want to synchronize from the drop-down list. For example, if you want to synchronize business addresses only, select Business.

    EAddress conduit only.

    Split MultiDay Events

    Select this option if you want to separate appointments that occur over more than one day, into individual appointments. 

    ECalendar conduit only.

    Default Priority

    Use the spin box to specify a default priority to assign to tasks which have no priority value assigned. 

    EToDo conduit only.

  7. Click OK to close the Conduit Settings dialog.