Java Desktop System Release 2 Administration Guide

Setting Look-and-Feel Preferences

The following sections describe how to assign mandatory or default values to look-and-feel preferences.

To Set Font Preferences

To set font preferences, you modify the values of two preference keys. The following table shows the keys to modify, and the part of the user interface to which the keys correspond:

GConf Location 

User Interface Component 


Font preference tool, Application font option


Font preference tool, Desktop font option

For example, to set Sans 12 as the mandatory application font, run the following command:

# gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory --type string --set /desktop/gnome/interface/font_name “Sans 12”

To set palatino 12 as the default desktop object font, run the following command:

# gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --type string --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_font “palatino 12”

To Set Background Preferences

To set preferences for the desktop background, you modify the values of the preference keys in the /desktop/gnome/background location. For example, to set a mandatory image for the background, run the following command:

# gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory --type string --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename filename.png

To set a default value for this preference, run the following command:

# gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --type string --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename filename.png

You can also set other background preferences. For information on the other background preferences, see the desktop_gnome_background.schemas schema definition file.

To Set Splash Image Preferences

To set splash image preferences, you modify the value of the preference keys in the /apps/gnome-session/options/ location. For example, if you do not want users ever to see a splash image, set a mandatory value as follows:

# gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory --type bool --set /apps/gnome-session/options/show_splash_screen false

To set a default value for this preference, run the following command:

# gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --type bool --set /apps/gnome-session/options/show_splash_screen false

You can also set other splash image preferences. For information on the other splash image preferences, see the gnome-session.schemas schema definition file.