Java Desktop System Release 2 Ximian Evolution 1.4 User Guide

Using Advanced Mail Folder Features

The following sections describe advanced features that you can use to work with your mail folders.

To Open the Folder of Another User

You can open the folders of other users, if you have the appropriate permissions. To open the folder of another user, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose File -> Open Other User's Folder.

  2. Enter the details of the folder that you want to open in the Open Other User's Folder dialog. The following table describes the elements on the Open Other User's Folder dialog:




    Use the drop-down list to select the email account that contains the folder that you want to open. 


    In the field, type the name of the user who owns the folder that you want to open. Alternatively, to select a user from a list of contacts, click on the User button. Use the Select Contacts from Addressbook dialog to select a user.

    Folder Name

    Use the drop-down combination box to specify the name of the folder that you want to open. 

  3. Click OK.

    To close the folder of the other user, choose File -> Remove Other User's Folder.

To View the Properties of a Folder

To view the properties of a folder in your local system, open the folder, then choose File -> Folder -> Properties for “folder-name”. You can view the properties of the folder in the properties dialog.

To Subscribe to a Folder on a Mail Server

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Tools -> Subscribe to Folders.

  2. Enter the details of the folder to which you want to subscribe in the Folder Subscriptions dialog. The following table describes the elements on the Folder Subscriptions dialog:




    Use the drop-down list to select the mail server that contains the folder to which you want to subscribe. 

    Folder tree 

    Select the folder to which you want to subscribe from the tree. 


    To subscribe to the selected folder, click on the Subscribe button.


    To unsubscribe from the selected folder, click on the Unsubscribe button.

To Change the Format of a Folder

You can change the email format of your local mail folders to one of the following email formats:

Caution – Caution –

If a problem occurs when you convert from one format to another, you might not be able to recover your data.

To change the email format of a local mail folder, perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the folder whose format you want to change, then choose Properties from the popup menu.

  2. Select the email format that you require from the New store format drop-down list in the Reconfigure dialog.

  3. If you want to index the contents of the bodies of the messages in the folder, select the Index body contents option.