Java Desktop System Release 2 Ximian Evolution 1.4 User Guide

Creating a Task

To create a task, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose File -> New -> Task.

  2. Enter the task information in the Basic tabbed section in the Task window. The following table describes the elements in the Basic tabbed section:




    Type a short description of the task. 

    Due Date

    Use the drop-down combination boxes to specify the date and time by which to complete the task.  

    Start Date

    Use the drop-down combination boxes to specify the date and time at which to start the task.  

    Globe button 

    To specify a time in a different time zone, click on the globe button to the right of the drop-down combination boxes. A Select a Time Zone dialog is displayed. Click on the map to select a time zone, or select a time zone from the drop-down list, then click OK.


    Type a detailed description of the task. 


    Select one of the following options:

    • Public: Select this option to enable other users on your network to see all details of this task in your schedule.

    • Private: Select this option to prevent other users on your network from seeing any details of this task in your schedule.

    • Confidential: Select this option to allow other users on your network to see only that this task is in your schedule. The other users cannot see the task details.

    Categories and text box

    Type the category name to assign a category to this task. If you want to assign more than one category, separate the categories with a comma. 

    Alternatively, click on Categories. Use the Edit Categories dialog to select a category.

  3. To enter more details about the task, click on the Details tab. The following table describes the elements in the Details tabbed section:




    Select one of the following status options from the drop-down list:

    • Not Started

    • In Progress

    • Completed

    • Cancelled


    Select one of the following priority options from the drop-down list:

    • Undefined

    • Low

    • Normal

    • High

    % Complete

    Use the spin box to specify how complete the task is, or type the percentage in the text box. 

    Depending on the value that you enter, Evolution updates several other elements, as follows:

    • 100:

      • Selects Completed from the Status drop-down list.

      • Inserts the current date and time in the Date Completed drop-down combination boxes.

    • 1–99 inclusive:

      • Selects In Progress from the Status drop-down list.

      • Inserts None in the first Date Completed drop-down combination box.

      • Clears the contents of the second Date Completed drop-down combination box.

    • 0:

      • Selects Not Started from the Status drop-down list.

      • Inserts None in the first Date Completed drop-down combination box.

      • Clears the contents of the second Date Completed drop-down combination box.

    Date Completed

    Select a date from the first drop-down combination box, and a time from the second drop-down combination box, to specify the date and time at which the task was completed. 

    Depending on the value that you enter, Evolution updates several other elements, as follows:

    • date:

      • Selects Completed from the Status drop-down list.

      • Inserts 100 in the % Complete text box.

      • Inserts the selected date in the first Date Completed drop-down combination box.

      • Inserts the current time in the second Date Completed drop-down combination box.

    • Now:

      • Selects Completed from the Status drop-down list.

      • Inserts 100 in the % Complete text box.

      • Inserts the current date in the first Date Completed drop-down combination box.

      • Inserts the current time in the second Date Completed drop-down combination box.

    • Today:

      • Selects Completed from the Status drop-down list.

      • Inserts 100 in the % Complete text box.

      • Inserts the current date in the first Date Completed drop-down combination box.

      • The contents of the second Date Completed drop-down combination box remain unchanged.

    • None:

      • If the status of the task is Not Started, no elements are affected.

      • If the status of the task is In Progress, Evolution inserts 50 in the % Complete text box.

      • If the status of the task is Completed, Evolution updates several elements, as follows:

        • Selects Not Started from the Status drop-down list.

        • Inserts 0 in the % Complete text box.

        • Inserts None in the first Date Completed drop-down combination box.

        • Clears the contents of the second Date Completed drop-down combination box.


    Type the URL associated with the task, if any. Click on the connect button to open the specified URL in the default web browser. 

  4. To save the task, choose File -> Save.

    To save the task and then close the Task window, choose File -> Save and Close.

    To save the task details in a file, choose File -> Save As to display the Save as window. Enter the filename, then click OK.

    To close the Task window without saving the task, choose File -> Close.

  5. To preview the details of the task, choose File -> Print Preview.

    To print the details of the task, choose File -> Print.