Java Desktop System Release 2 Ximian Evolution 1.4 User Guide

Chapter 5 Using Advanced Email Features

The information in this chapter describes how to use advanced email features of Ximian Evolution.

To Add a Sender to Your Contacts

You can add the sender of a message to your list of contacts. To add a sender to your contacts, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the folder that contains the message whose sender you want to add to your list of contacts. In the message list, select the message.

    Alternatively, open the message whose sender you want to add to your list of contacts.

  2. Choose Actions -> Add Sender to Addressbook. A Sender window opens. The Sender window displays the details for the contact.

  3. Click on the Add to Contacts button. A Contact Quick-Add dialog is displayed.

  4. To add the contact to your list of contacts, click OK.

    Alternatively, to add more information for the contact, click on the Edit Full button. A Contact Editor window opens. For more information on how to complete the details in this window, see To Add a Contact.

To Clear Passwords

When you configure how your email accounts receive messages, you can select a Remember this password option. You select this option if you want to connect directly to the mail server, rather than enter your password each time you connect. Evolution stores your password, and enters the password to the mail server for you.

You can clear your password or passwords from Evolution. To clear your passwords, choose Actions -> Forget Passwords.

Using Advanced Features for Displaying Messages

This section describes how to use advanced features in Evolution when you display messages.

To View Images in Messages

You might receive messages that contain images in the body of the message. You might also receive messages that contain links to images on the Internet. Linked images might be slow to load, and in some cases might provide information to senders of spam email. By default, Evolution does not display linked images in messages.

To display a linked image in a message, open the message, then choose View -> Message Display -> Load Images.

To Change the Size of Text in Messages

You can change the size in which text is displayed in messages. You can change the size of text in a message window or in the preview pane.

To reduce the size of the text, choose View -> Text Size -> Smaller. To increase the size of the text, choose View -> Text Size -> Larger.

To return the size of the text to the default size, choose View -> Text Size -> Original Size.

To Change the Display of Messages

You can change the way in which your messages are displayed. You can change the message display in a message window, or in the preview pane.

To display full header information for your messages, choose View -> Message Display -> Show Full Headers. The header information contains technical details of the message, such as the server that delivered the message, the format of the message, and so on.

To display the full source for the message, choose View -> Message Display -> Show Email Source. The full source for the message is the source code for the message.

To return to normal display, choose View -> Message Display -> Normal Display.

Using Advanced Features for Sending Messages

This section describes how to use advanced features in Evolution when you send messages.

To Resend a Message

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open the folder that contains the message that you want to resend. In the message list, select the message that you want to resend.

    Alternatively, open the message that you want to resend.

  2. To resend the message, choose Actions -> Resend. A new message window is displayed.

  3. To send the message, choose File -> Send.

To Post a Message to a Folder

You can post a message to a folder. Evolution sends the message to users who have subscribed to the folder, and stores a copy of the message in the folder.

To compose and post a new message to a folder, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose File -> New -> Post Message. Alternatively, choose Actions -> Post New Message. A Compose a message window is displayed.

  2. Use the Compose a message window to compose your message. For information on the elements in the Compose a message window, see To Send a New Message.

  3. To select a folder to which to post the message, click on the folder selector button in the Post To field. A Posting destination dialog is displayed. Select the folder in which to store your post messages from the Posting destination dialog, then click OK.

  4. To post the message to the selected folder, choose File -> Send.

Using Advanced Message Composition Features

You can cut, copy, and paste the content of messages that you compose. You can search for text and replace that text. You can check the spelling of your message. You can also save drafts of your messages.

You can use the following formats for your messages:

Finding and Replacing Text in a Message

When you compose a message, you can search for text in the message. You can also replace the text you search for.

To Find Text in a Message

To search for text in a message, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Edit -> Find. Type the text to search for in the text box of the Find dialog.

    Alternatively, you can use a regular expression to search for text. A regular expression is a way to specify a text pattern to search for. For example, the regular expression t*e finds the text the, time, table, and so on.

    To use a regular expression to search for text, choose Edit -> Find Regular Expression. Type the regular expression to search for in the text box of the Find Regular Expression dialog.

  2. Select the Backward option to begin the search from the end of the message, or from the cursor location, and proceed towards the start of the message.

  3. Select the Case sensitive option to find occurrences only of the text that match the case of the text that you type in the dialog.

  4. Click on the Find button. If the text is found in the message, the first match is highlighted in the message.

  5. To find the next occurrence of the text, choose Edit -> Find Again.

To Replace Text in a Message

To search for text, and replace the text with alternative text, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Edit -> Replace.

  2. Type the text to search for in the Replace text box.

  3. Type the text to use to replace the text that you find, in the With text box.

  4. Select the Search backward option to begin the search from the end of the message, or from the cursor location, and proceed towards the start of the message.

  5. Select the Case sensitive option to find occurrences only of the text that match the case of the text that you type in the dialog.

  6. Click on the Find and Replace button. If the text is found in the message, a Replace confirmation dialog is displayed. Use the buttons on the Replace confirmation dialog to replace the text in the message, as described in the following table.



    Replace all

    Replaces all occurrences of the search text with the replacement text. 


    Skips the current occurrence of the search text, and finds the next occurrence. 


    Closes the Replace confirmation dialog, and does not replace any text.


    Replaces the current occurrences of the search text with the replacement text, and finds the next occurrence. 

To Create a Message in HTML Format

To create a message in HTML format, choose File -> New -> Mail Message. In the Compose a message window, choose Format -> HTML so that the HTML menu item is selected.

To Apply Font Formatting to Messages in HTML Format

Perform the following steps:

  1. Select the text that you want to format.

  2. To format the selected text, perform one or more of the following actions:



    Plain text 

    Choose Format -> Style -> Plain text.


    Choose Format -> Style -> Bold.


    Choose Format -> Style -> Italic.


    Choose Format -> Style -> Underline.


    Choose Format -> Style -> Strikeout.

    Font size 

    Choose Format -> Font Size, then select the font size from the submenu. You must specify the size of the text in relation to the size of normal text. The options that you can select include +2, +1, -1, -2, and so on.

    Font color  

    Choose Format -> Text. Click on the arrow in the Color drop-down list. Select a color from the color table.

    Alternatively, to specify a custom color, click on the Custom Color color selector button. Use the color wheel or the spin boxes to select the color. Click OK to add the new color to the color table.

    Click OK to apply the font color formatting, and close the dialog.

    You can also use the format toolbar to format text. To use the format toolbar to format text, click on the button that represents the format that you want to apply.

To Apply Paragraph Formatting to Messages in HTML Format

Perform the following steps:

  1. Click in the paragraph that you want to format.

  2. To format the selected paragraph, perform one or more of the following actions:




    Choose Format -> Paragraph. Select the style that you want from the Style drop-down list. The styles that you can select include the following:

    • Normal

    • Preformatted text

    • Heading styles

    • Address style

    • Bulleted lists

    • Ordered lists

    Click OK to apply the style and close the Properties: Paragraph dialog.


    Choose Format -> Paragraph. Select the alignment from the Left, Center, or Right options.

    Click OK to apply the alignment and close the Properties: Paragraph dialog.


    To increase the indent in the paragraph, choose Format -> Increase Indent. To decrease the indent in the paragraph, choose Format -> Decrease Indent.

    You can also use the format toolbar to format paragraphs. To use the format toolbar to format paragraphs, click on the button that represents the format that you want to apply.

To Apply Page Formatting to Messages in HTML Format

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Format -> Page.

  2. Select a template for the page from the Template drop-down list in the Properties: Page dialog.

  3. Type a name for the page in the Document Title text box.

  4. Enter the name of the image file that you want to use for the message background in the Background Image drop-down combination box.

    Alternatively, click Browse to display a Background Image dialog. Use the dialog to specify the image file that you want to use.

  5. To select a color for the text, links, or message background, click on the arrow in the appropriate drop-down list in the Colors group. Select a color from the color table.

    Alternatively, to specify a custom color, click on the Custom Color color selector button. Use the color wheel or the sliders to select the color. Click OK to add the new color to the color table. Click OK to apply the color and close the dialog.

  6. Click OK to apply the formatting to the message and close the Properties: Page dialog.

To Insert an Emoticon Into a Message

To insert an emoticon into a message, choose Insert -> Smiley, then select the emoticon that you require.

Customizing the Message Composition Window

You can customize which message elements are displayed in a message composition window. The following table describes how to display message elements in a message composition window:

To Display ... 

Choose ... 

Attachments pane 

View -> Show attachments

From field

View -> From Field

Reply-To field

View -> Reply-To Field

Cc field

View -> Cc Field

Bcc field

View -> Bcc Field

Sending and Receiving International Messages

Each message that you send and receive is in a particular character encoding. Character encoding is the method by which a message is converted into characters. For example, the Greek character encoding converts messages into Greek-language characters.

Evolution displays messages that you receive in the character encoding in which the message was sent. However, some messages do not contain enough information in the message header to identify the character encoding in which the message was sent. Evolution enables you to change the character encoding for individual messages that you receive.

You can change the character encoding in a message that you send. When you reply to a message, the message is sent in the character encoding of the original message. If you change the character encoding in your reply, the characters of the original message might not display properly.

To Change the Character Encoding for a Message You Receive

To change the character encoding of a message that you receive, open the message. Choose View -> Character Encoding, then select the character encoding that you require.

For information on how to set a default character encoding for messages that you receive, see Setting Mail Preferences.

To Change the Character Encoding for a Message You Send

To change the character encoding of a message that you send, open a new message, or reply to a message that you receive. In the message composition window, choose Edit -> Character Encoding, then select the character encoding that you require.

For information on how to set a default character encoding for messages that you send, see Setting Composer Preferences.

Working Offline

If you receive your messages from an IMAP server, you can work in offline mode. You can work in offline mode to reduce the amount of time that you spend online.

When you switch to offline mode, Evolution creates a local copy of folders that you have selected for offline use. You can read and respond to the messages in the folders in offline mode. When you send a message, Evolution stores the message in your Outbox folder until you switch to online mode again.

Offline mode is not the same as being disconnected. Evolution does not attempt to connect when you work offline. Instead, Evolution completes all actions that you performed offline when you return to online mode.

To specify which folders to create copies of when you are in offline mode, see Setting Folders Preferences.

To switch to offline mode, choose File -> Work Offline. Alternatively, click on the connected cables icon at the bottom left of the Evolution window. A cross appears through the connected cables icon.

To switch to online mode, choose File -> Work Online. Alternatively, click on the connected cables icon. The cross disappears from the connected cables icon.

Working With Secure Messages

Evolution includes security features that you can use to ensure that messages are not forged, and that the content of your messages cannot be read by anyone other than the intended recipient. Evolution uses Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) and GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) to implement security features.

PGP and GPG use public key encryption. That is, PGP and GPG use two keys, as follows:

Public key

You give this key to anyone who wants to send you an encrypted message, or to whom you want to send encrypted messages. Messages are encrypted with this key.

You exchange public keys with anyone to whom you want to send and receive signed messages or encrypted messages. The public key is used to sign or encrypt your messages, and your recipients need the public key to verify or decrypt your messages. When you receive a public key from someone, you import the public key to your public keyring. A public keyring is a file that lists all of the public keys that you know.

Private key

This is your secret key. You do not disclose your private key to anyone. Encrypted messages are decrypted with this key.

You can use security features with your messages in the following ways:

When you create your public key and private key, you create a security passphrase. You use the security passphrase when you use the security features in Evolution.

To Sign a Message

To sign a message that you send, choose Security -> PGP Sign from the message composition window. When you send the message, an Enter Password dialog is displayed. Enter your security passphrase in the dialog, then click OK.

To Send an Encrypted Message

To encrypt a message that you send, choose Security -> PGP Encrypt from the message composition window, before you send the message. When you send the message, an Enter Password dialog is displayed. Enter your security passphrase in the dialog, then click OK.

To Verify a Signed Message

To verify a signed message that you receive, open the message and scroll to the end of the message. Click on the lock icon. If the sender is in your public keyring, a message is displayed that confirms that the sender of the message is authentic. If the sender is not in your public keyring, a message is displayed that says that the security features cannot authenticate the sender of the message.

To Decrypt a Message That You Receive

To read a message that has been sent to you and encrypted with your public key, you must provide your security passphrase. When you open the message, an Enter Password dialog is displayed. Enter your security passphrase in the dialog, then click OK.

Using Advanced Message Management Features

The following sections describe advanced features that you can use to help manage your messages.

Viewing Messages by Thread

You can display your messages by thread. A message thread is a set of emails, composed of an initial email message about a subject and all responses to that message. A message thread is created when you send a message, and you receive a number of replies to the message. When you display your messages by thread, you can view the messages on a particular subject in chronological order. In this way, you can follow an email conversation from one message to the next message.

To display your messages by thread, choose View -> Threaded Message List.

Marking Messages as Read or Unread

When you receive a message, the message is marked as unread. In your message list, the message header information is displayed in bold, and the message icon shows a closed envelope. After you open the message, or display the message in the preview pane, the message is automatically marked as read. The message header information is displayed in normal text, and the message icon shows an open envelope.

You can mark messages that you have read as unread, and you can mark messages that you have not read as read.

To mark a message as unread, select the message in the message list. Choose Edit -> Mark as Unread.

To mark a message as read, select the message in the message list. Choose Edit -> Mark as Read.

To mark all messages in a folder as read, select the folder in the folder pane. Choose Edit -> Mark All as Read.

Marking Messages as Important

You can mark messages that you receive as important, to visually mark the message in your message list. When you mark a message as important, the message header information changes color, and an exclamation-point icon is displayed in the Important column.

To mark a message as important, select the message in the message list. Choose Edit -> Mark as Important.

To mark a message as normal, select the message in the message list. Choose Edit -> Mark as Unimportant.

Flagging Messages for Follow Up

You can add a follow-up flag to a message in your Inbox. A flag can specify a follow-up action for the message, and a due date and due time for the action. Use flags to remind yourself to follow up on issues that arise from your messages.

Flags are displayed at the top of messages. The following figure shows a Follow-Up flag in a message:

Displays a sample message header with a Follow-Up flag.

When the action associated with a flag is completed, you can set the status of the flag to completed. You can also clear a flag from a message.

You can display the following flag-related fields in your message list:

For more information, see To Customize the Current View.

To Flag a Message

Perform the following steps:

  1. Select the message or messages that you want to flag in the message list.

  2. Choose Actions -> Follow Up.

  3. Enter the details for the flag in the Flag to Follow Up dialog. The following table describes the elements on the Flag to Follow Up dialog:




    Select the flag that you want to add to the message or messages from the drop-down combination box. For example, if you want to remind yourself to reply to a message, select the Reply flag.

    Alternatively, you can type a new flag name in the text box. 


    Click on this button to remove the flag from the message. 

    Due by

    Use the drop-down combination boxes to specify the date and time by which the task associated with the flag is due to be completed. 


    Select this option to indicate that the action specified by the flag is completed. 

  4. Click OK.

To Set a Flag to Completed

Right-click on the message in the message list, then choose Flag Completed from the popup menu. The flag is removed from the top of the message.

Alternatively, select the message in the message list, then choose Actions -> Follow Up. On the Flag to Follow Up dialog, select the Completed option.

To Clear a Flag

To remove a flag from a message, right-click on the message in the message list. Choose Clear Flag from the popup menu.

Alternatively, you can select the message, then choose Actions -> Follow Up. In the Flag to Follow Up dialog, click on the Clear button.

Labelling Messages

You can add a color label to messages in the message list. The label changes the color of the message header information in the message list to visually mark the message. For example, to mark a message as personal, you can add a Personal label to the message.

To label a message, right-click on the message in the message list. Choose Label from the popup menu, then select the label that you require from the submenu.

You can customize labels and the color associated with labels. For more information, see Setting Mail Preferences.

Hiding Messages

You can hide messages in a message list. To hide messages, select the messages that you want to hide, then choose View -> Hide Selected Messages.

To hide messages that you have read, choose View -> Hide Read Messages.

To show hidden messages, choose View -> Show Hidden Messages. When you show hidden messages, Evolution does not show deleted messages.

To show deleted messages, choose View -> Hide Deleted Messages. The deleted messages appear in strikethrough format in the folder from which you deleted the messages.

Using Advanced Mail Folder Features

The following sections describe advanced features that you can use to work with your mail folders.

To Open the Folder of Another User

You can open the folders of other users, if you have the appropriate permissions. To open the folder of another user, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose File -> Open Other User's Folder.

  2. Enter the details of the folder that you want to open in the Open Other User's Folder dialog. The following table describes the elements on the Open Other User's Folder dialog:




    Use the drop-down list to select the email account that contains the folder that you want to open. 


    In the field, type the name of the user who owns the folder that you want to open. Alternatively, to select a user from a list of contacts, click on the User button. Use the Select Contacts from Addressbook dialog to select a user.

    Folder Name

    Use the drop-down combination box to specify the name of the folder that you want to open. 

  3. Click OK.

    To close the folder of the other user, choose File -> Remove Other User's Folder.

To View the Properties of a Folder

To view the properties of a folder in your local system, open the folder, then choose File -> Folder -> Properties for “folder-name”. You can view the properties of the folder in the properties dialog.

To Subscribe to a Folder on a Mail Server

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Tools -> Subscribe to Folders.

  2. Enter the details of the folder to which you want to subscribe in the Folder Subscriptions dialog. The following table describes the elements on the Folder Subscriptions dialog:




    Use the drop-down list to select the mail server that contains the folder to which you want to subscribe. 

    Folder tree 

    Select the folder to which you want to subscribe from the tree. 


    To subscribe to the selected folder, click on the Subscribe button.


    To unsubscribe from the selected folder, click on the Unsubscribe button.

To Change the Format of a Folder

You can change the email format of your local mail folders to one of the following email formats:

Caution – Caution –

If a problem occurs when you convert from one format to another, you might not be able to recover your data.

To change the email format of a local mail folder, perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the folder whose format you want to change, then choose Properties from the popup menu.

  2. Select the email format that you require from the New store format drop-down list in the Reconfigure dialog.

  3. If you want to index the contents of the bodies of the messages in the folder, select the Index body contents option.

Organizing Your Messages

You can use the following Evolution features to help you to organize your messages:


Views enable you to look at your messages in different ways. A view specifies which columns are displayed in a message list, and by which fields the messages are sorted. You can use standard views, or you can create custom views. For more information about views, see Using Views.


Email windows contain a searchbar. You can use the searchbar to search the contents of the messages in your message list. You can also perform advanced searches.

Evolution enables you to save your searches. The saved searches are added to the Search menu, and you can choose the searches from this menu. Evolution also contains a search editor that you can use to add, edit, and delete searches. For more information about searches, see Searching Your Messages and Using Advanced Searches.


A filter is a tool that you can use to test your messages for specific conditions, then perform actions on the messages that meet the conditions. For example, you can use a filter to automatically move email that you receive from a specific address to a folder. For more information about filters, see Using Filters.

Virtual folders

A virtual folder represents messages that might reside in more than one folder. Virtual folders enable you to view messages that are located in several folders, as if the messages are in one folder. For more information about filters, see Using Virtual Folders.

Using Advanced Searches

You can perform advanced searches that use complex search criteria. For example, you can search for messages that include an attachment, that are flagged, and that you received on a particular date. You can also save your searches, then use the searches later from the Search menu.

For information about how to perform simple searches, see Searching Your Messages.

To Perform an Advanced Search

Perform the following steps:

  1. Display the folder that contains the messages that you want to search.

  2. Choose Search -> Advanced. Alternatively, select Advanced from the drop-down list in the searchbar.

  3. Use the If group box in the Advanced Search dialog to create criteria for the search. To create criteria, perform the following steps:

    1. From the first drop-down list, select the message component in which to search. For example, select Message Body to search the text in the body of the message.

    2. From the second drop-down list, select the relationship between the message component and the search text. For example, to search for messages whose body includes the search text, select contains from the second drop-down list.

    3. In the text box, type the search text. This text is not case sensitive.

    4. To add more criteria, click on the Add button. To remove a criterion, click on the Remove button beside the criterion.

  4. Select the appropriate option from the Execute actions drop-down list. Select one of the following options:

    • if any criteria are met: Select this option if you want the search to return matches where any of the specified criteria are met.

    • if all criteria are met: Select this option if you want the search to return only matches where all of the specified criteria are met.

  5. Click OK to perform the advanced search. The messages that match are displayed in the message list.

    Alternatively, to save the search, type a name for the search in the Rule name text box, then click Save. Choose Search -> search-name to perform the search.

    To clear the advanced search criteria and display all the messages in the folder, choose Search -> Clear.

Using the Search Editor

Evolution enables you to save your searches. The saved searches are added to the Search menu, and you can choose the searches from this menu. Evolution contains a search editor to enable you to add, edit, and delete your searches. You can also rearrange the order of the searches in your Search menu.

To Add a Search

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Search -> Edit Saved Searches.

  2. Click Add in the Search Editor dialog.

  3. Enter the details for the search in the Add Rule dialog. The following table describes the elements on the Add Rule dialog:



    Rule name

    Type a name for the search in the text box. 


    Click this button to add more criteria.  

    Execute actions

    Use the drop-down list to specify whether the search returns a message if the message meets all, or any, of the criteria in the search. 

    First drop-down list 

    Select the message component in which to search. For example, select Message Body to search the text in the body of the message.

    Second drop-down list 

    Select the relationship between the message component and the search text. For example, to search for messages whose body includes the search text, select contains from the second drop-down list.

    Text box 

    Type the search text. This text is not case sensitive. 


    To remove a criterion, click on the Remove button beside the criterion.

  4. Click OK. The search is added to the Search menu.

You can also save searches that you perform from the searchbar. For more information, see To Search All Messages in a Folder. You can also use the Advanced Search dialog to save a search. For more information, see To Perform an Advanced Search.

To Edit a Search

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Search -> Edit Saved Searches.

  2. In the Search Editor dialog, select the search that you want to edit, then click Edit. An Edit Rule dialog is displayed. Modify the details for the search in the Edit Rule dialog. For more information on the elements in the dialog, see To Add a Search.

  3. Click OK to save your changes and close the Edit Rule dialog.

  4. Click OK to close the Search Editor dialog.

To Delete a Search

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Search -> Edit Saved Searches.

  2. In the Search Editor dialog, select the search that you want to delete, then click Remove.

  3. Click OK. The search is removed from the Search menu.

To Arrange the Searches in the Search Menu

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Search -> Edit Saved Searches. The Search Editor dialog displays your searches in the same order as the Search menu.

  2. Select a search whose position you want to change, then click Up button or Down button until the search is in the required position.

  3. Click OK. The position of the search is updated in the Search menu.

Using Filters

You can use filters to perform actions on your incoming and outgoing email. For example, you can create a filter that automatically moves email that you receive from a particular address to a particular folder.

Use filters to deal with spam email. For example, you can create a filter to delete messages from a particular address. You can also create filters to delete messages that contain particular terms in the Subject field or in the message body.

Using the Filter Editor

You can use the filter editor to add, edit, and delete message filters. You can also use the filter editor to rearrange the positions of your filters in the filter editor.

To Add a Filter

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Tools -> Filters.

  2. From the drop-down list at the top of the Filters dialog, select whether you want the filter to apply to incoming or outgoing email.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Enter the details for the filter in the Add Rule dialog. Enter the criteria for the filter in the top section of the dialog. The following table describes the elements in the top section of the Add Rule dialog:



    Rule name

    Type a name for the filter in the text box. 


    Click this button to add more criteria to the filter.  

    Execute actions

    Use the drop-down list to specify whether to perform the filter actions if the message meets all, or any, of the criteria for the filter. 

    First drop-down list 

    Select the message component to use for the criterion. For example, if you want the filter to search the text in the body of the message, select Message Body.

    Second drop-down list 

    Select the relationship between the message component and the search text. For example, if you want the filter to search for messages whose body includes the search text, select contains from the second drop-down list.

    Text box 

    Type the search text. This text is not case sensitive. 


    To remove a criterion, click on the Remove button beside the criterion.

  5. Enter the actions to take if the criteria are met, in the bottom section of the dialog. The following table describes the elements in the bottom section of the Add Rule dialog:




    Click this button to add more actions to the filter.  

    Drop-down list 

    Select an action to perform from the drop-down list. Depending on the action that you select, another control might appear beside the drop-down list. For example, if you select the Move to Folder action, a button is displayed. Click on the button to open a dialog from which you can select a folder.


    To remove an action, click on the Remove button beside the action.

  6. When you have entered the details for the filter, click OK on the Add Rule dialog.

  7. Click OK to close the Filters dialog.

Note –

You can create a filter that copies messages that match your criteria to more than one folder.

To Edit a Filter

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Tools -> Filters.

  2. From the drop-down list at the top of the Filters dialog, select whether the filter that you want to edit is for incoming or outgoing email.

  3. Select the filter that you want to edit, then click Edit. An Edit Rule dialog is displayed.

  4. Modify the details of the filter in the dialog as required. For more information on the dialog, see To Add a Filter.

  5. When you have modified the details for the filter, click OK on the Edit Rule dialog.

  6. Click OK to close the Filters dialog.

To Delete a Filter

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Tools -> Filters.

  2. From the drop-down list at the top of the Filters dialog, select whether the filter that you want to delete is for incoming or outgoing email.

  3. Select the filter that you want to delete, then click Remove.

  4. Click OK to close the Filters dialog.

To Change the Position of a Filter

To change the position of a filter in the Filters dialog, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Tools -> Filters.

  2. From the drop-down list at the top of the Filters dialog, select whether the filter whose position you want to change is for incoming or outgoing email.

  3. Select the filter whose position you want to change.

  4. Click the Up button or the Down button to change the position of the filter. Repeat this step until the filter is in the required position.

  5. Click OK to close the Filters dialog.

To Create a Filter From a Message

Perform the following steps:

  1. Select the message from which you want to create a filter in the message list.

  2. Choose Tools -> Create Filter From Message, then choose one of the following menu items:

    • Filter on Subject: Creates a filter from the subject of the selected message.

    • Filter on Sender: Creates a filter from the sender of the selected message.

    • Filter on Recipients: Creates a filter from the recipients of the selected message.

    • Filter on Mailing List: Creates a filter from the mailing lists in the To and Cc fields of the selected message.

    An Add Filter Rule dialog is displayed. The dialog contains criteria for the filter, depending on which menu item you chose.

  3. Modify the details of the filter in the dialog if required. For more information on the dialog, see To Add a Filter.

  4. Click OK. The filter is added to your list of filters.

To Apply Filters to Selected Messages

You can apply all the filters in the filter editor to messages that you select. You can use this function to check that a filter works.

To apply filters to messages, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the message or messages to which you want to apply filters.

  2. Choose Actions -> Apply Filters.

If messages meet the criteria in your filters, the actions that are associated with the filters are performed.

Using Virtual Folders

Virtual folders enable you to use one folder to view messages that are located in several folders. Your virtual folders are listed in VFolders in your folder pane. To display a virtual folder, select the virtual folder from the VFolders item in your folder pane.

If your folder pane is not displayed, choose View -> Folder Bar.

Use virtual folders to organize messages that are located in more than one folder. For example, imagine your company has a product that is called Lorem Ipsum. You have a client called Ximdom.Com. Employees of Ximdom.Com send you messages regularly about Lorem Ipsum, and about other products. You store the messages in many folders.

You can use virtual folders to organize messages from Ximdom.Com that are related to the Lorem Ipsum product, and that are not related to the product. To organize messages in this way, you might create the following virtual folders:

Ximdom.Com (Lorem Ipsum)

Displays messages from all folders that are from addresses that contain, and that have the text lorem ipsum in the message body.

Ximdom.Com (Other)

Displays messages from all folders that are from addresses that contain, and that do not have the text lorem ipsum in the message body.

You can create virtual folders in the following ways:

Using the Virtual Folder Editor

You can use the virtual folder editor to add, edit, and delete virtual folders. You can also use the virtual folder editor to rearrange the positions of your virtual folders in the folder pane.

To Add a Virtual Folder

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Tools -> Virtual Folder Editor.

  2. Click Add on the vFolders dialog.

  3. Enter the details for the virtual folder in the Add Rule dialog. The following table describes the elements on the Add Rule dialog:



    Rule name

    Type a name for the virtual folder in the text box. 


    Click this button to add more criteria to the virtual folder.  

    Execute actions

    Use the drop-down list to specify whether a message must meet all, or any, of the criteria, to be added to the virtual folder. You can select the following options:  

    • if all criteria are met: Select this option to specify that the message must meet all of the criteria in the search.

    • if any criteria are met: Select this option to specify that the message must meet at least one of the criteria in the search.

    First drop-down list 

    Select the message component to use for the criterion. For example, if you want the virtual folder to search the text in the body of the message, select Message Body.

    Second drop-down list 

    Select the relationship between the message component and the search text. For example, if you want the virtual folder to search for messages whose body includes the search text, select contains from the second drop-down list.

    Text box 

    Type the search text. This text is not case sensitive. 


    To remove a criterion, click on the Remove button beside the criterion.

    vFolder Sources

    From the drop-down list, select the folders from which you want to create the virtual folder. Select one of the following options: 

    • specific folders only: Select this option to create the virtual folder from folders that you specify.

      To specify a folder, click Add. Select the folder that you want to add from the Select Folder dialog, then click OK.

      To remove a folder, select the folder, then click Remove.

    • with all local folders: Select this option to create the virtual folder from all folders on your local system.

    • with all active remote folders: Select this option to create the virtual folder from all folders on the mail server to which you are connected.

    • with all local and active remote folders: Select this option to create the virtual folder from the following:

      • All folders on your local system.

      • All folders on the mail server to which you are connected.

  4. When you have entered the details for the virtual folder, click OK on the Add Rule dialog.

  5. Click OK to close the vFolders dialog.

To Edit a Virtual Folder

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Tools -> Virtual Folder Editor.

  2. In the vFolders dialog, select the virtual folder that you want to edit, then click Edit.

  3. Modify the details of the virtual folder in the Edit Rule dialog as required. For more information on the dialog, see To Add a Virtual Folder.

  4. When you have modified the details for the virtual folder, click OK on the Edit Rule dialog.

  5. Click OK to close the vFolders dialog.

To Delete a Virtual Folder

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Tools -> Virtual Folder Editor.

  2. In the vFolders dialog, select the virtual folder that you want to delete, then click Remove.

  3. Click OK to close the vFolders dialog.

To Change the Position of a Virtual Folder

To change the position of a virtual folder in your folder pane, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Tools -> Virtual Folder Editor.

  2. In the vFolders dialog, select the virtual folder whose position you want to change.

  3. Click the Up button or the Down button to change the position of the virtual folder. Repeat this step until the virtual folder is in the required position.

  4. Click OK to close the vFolders dialog.

To Create a Virtual Folder From a Message

Perform the following steps:

  1. Select the message from which you want to create a virtual folder in the message list.

  2. Choose Tools -> Create Virtual Folder From Message, then choose one of the following menu items:

    • VFolder on Subject: Creates a virtual folder from the subject of the selected message.

    • VFolder on Sender: Creates a virtual folder from the sender of the selected message.

    • VFolder on Recipients: Creates a virtual folder from the recipients of the selected message.

    • VFolder on Mailing List: Creates a virtual folder from the mailing lists in the To and Cc fields of the selected message.

    A New VFolder dialog is displayed. The dialog contains criteria for the virtual folder, depending on which menu item you chose.

  3. Modify the details of the virtual folder in the dialog if required. For more information on the dialog, see To Add a Virtual Folder.

  4. Click OK. The virtual folder is added to the list of virtual folders in the folder pane.

To Create a Virtual Folder From a Search

Perform the following steps:

  1. Perform the search from which you want to create a virtual folder. For more information, see Using Advanced Searches.

  2. After you perform the search, choose Search -> Create Virtual Folder From Search. A New VFolder dialog is displayed. The dialog contains the search criteria for the search you performed.

  3. Modify the details of the virtual folder in the dialog if required. For more information on the dialog, see To Add a Virtual Folder.

  4. Click OK. The virtual folder is added to the list of virtual folders in the folder pane.