Java Desktop System Release 2 Ximian Evolution 1.4 User Guide

Using Advanced Features for Displaying Messages

This section describes how to use advanced features in Evolution when you display messages.

To View Images in Messages

You might receive messages that contain images in the body of the message. You might also receive messages that contain links to images on the Internet. Linked images might be slow to load, and in some cases might provide information to senders of spam email. By default, Evolution does not display linked images in messages.

To display a linked image in a message, open the message, then choose View -> Message Display -> Load Images.

To Change the Size of Text in Messages

You can change the size in which text is displayed in messages. You can change the size of text in a message window or in the preview pane.

To reduce the size of the text, choose View -> Text Size -> Smaller. To increase the size of the text, choose View -> Text Size -> Larger.

To return the size of the text to the default size, choose View -> Text Size -> Original Size.

To Change the Display of Messages

You can change the way in which your messages are displayed. You can change the message display in a message window, or in the preview pane.

To display full header information for your messages, choose View -> Message Display -> Show Full Headers. The header information contains technical details of the message, such as the server that delivered the message, the format of the message, and so on.

To display the full source for the message, choose View -> Message Display -> Show Email Source. The full source for the message is the source code for the message.

To return to normal display, choose View -> Message Display -> Normal Display.