Java Desktop System Release 2 Ximian Evolution 1.4 User Guide

To Find Text in a Message

To search for text in a message, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Edit -> Find. Type the text to search for in the text box of the Find dialog.

    Alternatively, you can use a regular expression to search for text. A regular expression is a way to specify a text pattern to search for. For example, the regular expression t*e finds the text the, time, table, and so on.

    To use a regular expression to search for text, choose Edit -> Find Regular Expression. Type the regular expression to search for in the text box of the Find Regular Expression dialog.

  2. Select the Backward option to begin the search from the end of the message, or from the cursor location, and proceed towards the start of the message.

  3. Select the Case sensitive option to find occurrences only of the text that match the case of the text that you type in the dialog.

  4. Click on the Find button. If the text is found in the message, the first match is highlighted in the message.

  5. To find the next occurrence of the text, choose Edit -> Find Again.