Java Desktop System Release 2 Ximian Evolution 1.4 User Guide

To Add a Search

Perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Search -> Edit Saved Searches.

  2. Click Add in the Search Editor dialog.

  3. Enter the details for the search in the Add Rule dialog. The following table describes the elements on the Add Rule dialog:



    Rule name

    Type a name for the search in the text box. 


    Click this button to add more criteria.  

    Execute actions

    Use the drop-down list to specify whether the search returns a message if the message meets all, or any, of the criteria in the search. 

    First drop-down list 

    Select the message component in which to search. For example, select Message Body to search the text in the body of the message.

    Second drop-down list 

    Select the relationship between the message component and the search text. For example, to search for messages whose body includes the search text, select contains from the second drop-down list.

    Text box 

    Type the search text. This text is not case sensitive. 


    To remove a criterion, click on the Remove button beside the criterion.

  4. Click OK. The search is added to the Search menu.

You can also save searches that you perform from the searchbar. For more information, see To Search All Messages in a Folder. You can also use the Advanced Search dialog to save a search. For more information, see To Perform an Advanced Search.