Java Desktop System Release 2 Ximian Evolution 1.4 User Guide

Setting Calendar and Tasks Preferences

Use the Calendar and Tasks settings to specify preferences for your calendar and your tasks. You can customize the Calendar and Tasks preferences in the following functional areas:

General Calendar and Task Preferences

Use the General tabbed section to set general calendar and task preferences. Table 11–11 lists the general calendar and task preferences that you can set.

Table 11–11 General Calendar and Task Preferences

Dialog Element 


Time zone

Select a time zone for Evolution. To select a time zone, click on the globe button. The Select a Time Zone dialog shows a map of the world. Use the dialog to select theEvolution time zone. When you select a time zone, click OK.

For information on how to use the dialog to select a time zone, see Selecting a Time Zone.

Note –

Evolution uses time zone settings from the following applications:

  • Evolution.

  • Java Desktop SystemTo set the Java Desktop System time zone, click Launch, then choose Preferences -> System Tools -> Time Zone. You must have root access privileges to set the Java Desktop System time zone.

  • Java System Calendar Server.

The time zones must be set to the same value in each of these applications for reminders in Evolution to function correctly.

Time format

Select the time format for Calendar. Select one of the following options:

  • 12 hour (AM/PM): Select this option to display the time in the a.m./p.m. format.

  • 24 hour: Select this option to display the time in the 00.00 to 24.00 format.

Week starts

Select the day to use as the first day of the week in the date pane.  

Work days

Select the days to include in your work week. The days that you select here are the days that are displayed in Work Week View.

Day begins

Use the drop-down combination box to specify the time at which the day begins in the schedule pane.  

Day ends

Use the drop-down combination box to specify the time at which the day ends in the schedule pane.  

Ask for confirmation when deleting items

Select this option to display a confirmation message when you delete appointments and tasks. 

Show a reminder time before every appointment

Select this option to display a reminder message before your appointments. Use the spin box and the drop-down list to specify how long before the appointment to display the reminder. Use the spin box to specify the number, and use the drop-down list to specify the units of time. 

Display Preferences

Use the Display tabbed section to set calendar and task display preferences. Table 11–12 lists the calendar and task display settings that you can set.

Table 11–12 Calendar and Tasks Display Preferences

Dialog Element 


Time divisions

Select the time intervals that you want to use in the schedule pane.  

Show appointment end times in week and month views

Select this option to display the end time of appointments in Week View and Month View.

Compress weekends in month view

Select this option to display the information for Saturday and Sunday in one column in the schedule pane in Month View.

Show week numbers in date navigator

Select this option to show the week number in the year in the date pane. 

Tasks due today

If a task is due today, Evolution displays the task in colored format.

Click on the color selector button to change the color in which tasks that are due today are displayed. Use the Color for tasks due today dialog to select the color that you require.

Overdue tasks

If a task overdue, Evolution displays the task in colored format.

Click on the color selector button to change the color in which tasks that are overdue are displayed. Use the Color for overdue tasks dialog to select the color that you require.

Hide completed tasks after time

Select this option to hide completed tasks after a specific period of time. Use the spin box and the drop-down list to specify how long after the task is completed to hide the task. Use the spin box to specify the number, and use the drop-down list to specify the units of time.