Java Desktop System Release 2 Installation Guide

Setting up a Network Installation Repository From ISO Images

The following sample procedure describes how to set up a network installation repository from ISO images for the Java Desktop System on Linux:

  1. Log in as root and create a directory to place the NFS image. For example, mkdir /export/jdsimage

  2. Share the /export/jdsimage directory over NFS by inserting a line in /etc/exports. For example, enter /export/jdsimage (ro)

  3. Enter /etc/init.d/nfs restart to restart the NFS server.

  4. Create a directory to mount the ISO images temporarily while you copy the files, for example mkdir /mnt/iso

  5. For each ISO image, do the following:

    • mount -o loop isofile.iso /mnt/iso

    • Copy all the files as follows:

      cd /mnt/iso

      tar cf - . | cat | (cd /export/jdsimage && tar xbf 1 - )

    • Unmount the ISO image as follows:

      cd /

      umount /mnt/iso

Repeat step 5 for all the ISO images.