Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Release Notes

Web Container

The following table lists the known issues in the web container of Web Server.

Table 17 Known Issues in Web Container

Problem ID 



Java LDAP connection pool interaction issue - initial connection is never timed out.

Specifying a Java LDAP connection pool through the JVM options in the server.xml file and referencing this with an external JNDI resource when the web server is started, creates a pooled LDAP connection. With this connection, it is always marked as busy and the connection never expires.


Web container writes to stderr.


Incorrect web application session statistics for MaxProcs > 1 mode.

Web Server runs in multi-process mode. The MaxProcs configuration variable in the magnus.conf is used to set the maximum number of processes. If the value for MaxProcs is set to greater than 1, the Web Server uses mmap-based session manager so that the session could be shared among different JVMs. While collecting statistics from multiple processes, web application MBeans provide session for individual MBeans. There is no way to find the true number of sessions by seeing individual MBean's web application session statistics.



Web container deletes the disabled web application MBeans object.

When the web application is disabled by setting the <enabled> element to false in the server.xml file, the web container deletes the web application's MBeans and hence treats it as a closed or deleted web application. Since disabled objects are deleted, statistics are also lost.


No information is logged in error logs at the finest log level on successful JNDI resource creation.

6422200 does 1 byte reads.

When reading the server.xml file, the first line containing the XML version number and the encoding is read 1 byte at a time.


Servlet container collects statistics when stats enabled element is set to false in the server.xml file.


Servlet container creates a thread per virtual server.


Values of 'mail-resource' sub elements are not getting set on mail session object.


NSAPIRequest.setupRequestFields is slow.

com.sun.webserver.connector.nsapi.NSAPIRequest.setupRequestFields is slow primarily because of excessive String-->byte and byte-->String conversion when parsing Cookie headers.


Java garbage collector activity is higher in Web Server 7.0 when compared against Web Server 6.1.

The servlet container in Web Server 7.0 creates many Java objects. 


If a servlet is mapped to req URI formed by partial req + welcome file, the behavior is wrong.

If a web container receives a valid partial request, the web container must examine the welcome file list defined in the deployment descriptor. The welcome file list is an ordered list of partial URLs with no trailing or leading /. The Web Server must append each welcome file in the order specified in the deployment descriptor to the partial request and check whether a static resource or a servlet in the WAR file is mapped to that request URI. The web container must send the request to the first resource in the WAR that matches.


REQ_EXIT causes javax.servlet.ServletException.


The servlet container does not use accelerator cache when processing RequestDispatcher includes.


On Windows, dynamic reloading of JSP produces incorrect output.