Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 NSAPI Developer's Guide


The protocol_status function sets the session status to indicate whether an error condition occurred. If the reason string is NULL, the server attempts to find a reason string for the given status code. If it finds none, it returns Unknown reason. The reason string is sent to the client in the HTTP response line. Use this function to set the status of the response before calling the function protocol_start_response or returning REQ_ABORTED.

For the complete list of valid status code constants, refer to the nsapi.h file.


void protocol_status(Session *sn, Request *rq, int n, char *r);




Session *sn is the Session.

Request *rq is the Request.

The Session and Request parameters are the same as the ones passed into your SAF.

int n is an HTTP status code constants above.

char *r is the reason string.


/* if we find extra path-info, the URL was bad so tell the */
/* browser it was not found */
if (t = pblock_findval("path-info", rq->vars)) 
	     protocol_status(sn, rq, PROTOCOL_NOT_FOUND, NULL);
      log_error(LOG_WARN, "function-name", sn, rq, "%s not found",path);
      return REQ_ABORTED;

See Also
