Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Developer's Guide

Content Engines

Web Server content engines are designed for manipulating customer data. The following three content engines make up the Web Publishing layer of the Sun Java System Web Server architecture:

The HTTP engine represents the core of Sun Java System Web Server. The Web Server architecture resides on top of this engine for performance and integration functionality.

The Content Handling engine enables you to manage your server’s content. You can create and store HTML pages, JavaServer Pages (JSP™), and other files such as graphics, text, sound, or video on your server. When clients connect to your server they can view your files (provided they have access to them).

The Search engine enables Web Server users to search the contents and attributes of documents on the server. As a server administrator, you can create a customized text search interface that works with various types of document formats. Web Server converts many types of non-HTML documents into HTML as it indexes them, so users can use a web browser to view the documents that are found for their search.