Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Administrator's Guide

Viewing Access and Server Logs

In the above commands, the start-date and the end-date options should be in the in the format — dd/MM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss. The date format can also be customized. You could use a variable wadm_log_date_format in the rcfile to specify your own date format rather than using the default date format.

New — In Sun Java System Web Server Update 1, you can enable access log by executing the following command:

enable-access-log --user=admin --host=serverhost --password-file=../admin.passwd --port=8989 --ssl=true --no-prompt --rcfile=null --config=config1 --vs=vs --uri-pattern="*.html" --file=../logs/ --log-ip=true--format="%Req->reqpb. protocol% %Req->headers.authorization% %vsid% %Ses->client.dns%"