Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Administrator's Configuration File Reference

How and When the Server Processes Other Objects

As a result of executing a NameTrans directive, the server might start processing directives in another object. This happens if the NameTrans directive that was successfully executed specifies a name or generates a partial path that matches the name or ppath attribute of another object.

If the successful NameTrans directive assigns a name by specifying a name argument, the server starts processing directives in the named object (defined with the object tag) before processing directives in the default object for the rest of the request-handling process.

For example, the following NameTrans directive in the default object assigns the name cgi to any request whose URL starts with http://server_name/cgi/.

<Object name="default">
NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" 
          dir="D:/sun/webserver7/https-server/docs/mycgi" name="cgi"

When the NameTrans directive is executed, the server starts processing directives in the object named cgi:

<Object name="cgi">


When a NameTrans directive is successfully executed, there is a physical path name associated with the requested resource. If the resultant path name matches the ppath (partial path) attribute of another object, the server starts processing directives in the other object before processing directives in the default object for the rest of the request-handling process.

For example, assume obj.conf contains an object as follows:

<Object ppath ="*internal*">


Consider that a successful NameTrans directive translates the requested URL to the path name D:/sun/webserver7/https-server/docs/internalplan1.html. In this case, the partial path *internal* matches the path D:/sun/webserver7/https-server/docs/internalplan1.html. Hence, the server will process the directives in this object before processing the remaining directives in the default object.