Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Developer's Guide to Java Web Applications

Deploying Using wadm

Note –

Before you can manually deploy a web application, make sure that the server_root/bin directory is in your path.

You can use the wadm utility at the command line to deploy a WAR file into a virtual server web application environment as follows:

wadm [--user=admin-user] [--password-file=admin-pswd-file][--host=admin-host][--port=admin-port][--no-ssl][--rcfile=rcfile][--no-prompt][--commands-file=]filename

For more information about how to add, enable, and disable web applications, see the add-webapp(1).

The following table describes the command parameters. The left column lists the parameter, and the right column describes the parameter.

Table 9–1 Command Parameters




Specify the user name of the authorized Web Server administrator. 


Specify the password file. The password file contains the password to authenticate administrators to the administration server. This file must contain the line wadm_password=password. If you do not specify this option, you will be prompted for a password while executing this command.


Specify the name of the machine where the administration server is running. The default host is localhost.


Specify the port number of the administration server. The default non-SSL port is 8800 and the default SSL port is 8989. 


Specify this option to use a plain text connection to communicate with the administration server. The default connection is SSL. 


Specify the name of the rcfile that has to be loaded while starting the wadm utility. rcfile can contain environment commands like set and unset, or a JACL script that needs to be run while starting wadm. The default file is ~/.wadmrc


If you specify this option, wadm will prompt you for password while executing this command. Use this option if you have defined all passwords in a password file and specified the file using the --password-file option.

When you execute the wadm command, two things happen:

The following shows a sample command.

wadm add-webapp --user=admin --password-file=admin.pwd --host=serverhost --port=8989 --config=config1 --vs=config1_vs_1 --uri=/testapp /abc/sample.war

After you have deployed an application, you can access it from a browser as follows:


The following table describes the parts of the URL. )

Table 9–2 Parts of the URL




One of the urlhosts values for the virtual server.


(Optional) Only needed if the virtual server uses a non default port. 


The same path you used to deploy the application. This is also the context path. 


(Optional) The page in the application that end users are meant to access first. 

The following two examples show sample URLs: