Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Performance Tuning, Sizing, and Scaling Guide

JDBC Resource Information

A JDBC resource is a named group of JDBC connections to a database. A JDBC resource defines the properties used to create a connection pool. Each JDBC resource uses a JDBC driver to establish a connection to a physical database when the server is started. A pool of connections is created when the first request for connection is made on the pool after you start Web Server.

A JDBC-based application or resource draws a connection from the pool, uses it, and when no longer needed, returns it to the connection pool by closing the connection. If two or more JDBC resources point to the same pool definition, they use the same pool of connections at run time.

The use of connection pooling improves application performance by doing the following:

JDBC resources can be created and edited using the Admin Console's Java tab ⇒ Resources sub tab for the configuration. You can also use the wadm create-jdbc-resource and set-jdbc-resource-prop commands. For more information, see the Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Administrator’s Guide.

Note –

Each defined pool is instantiated during Web Server startup. However, the connections are only created the first time the pool is accessed. You should jump-start a pool before putting it under heavy load.

JDBC resource statistics are available through the Admin Console, CLI, and stats.xml only. They are not shown in perfdump. Some of the monitoring data is unavailable through the Admin Console and can only be viewed through the CLI using wadm get-config-stats and through the stats.xml output.

A pool is created on demand, that is, it is created the first time it is used. The monitoring statistics are not displayed until the first time the pool is used.

JDBC Resource Statistics Available Through the Admin Console

The following table shows an example of the JDBC resource statistics displayed through the Admin Console:

Table 2–9 JDBC Resource Statistics



Free Connections 

Leased Connections 


Average Queue Time 


Queued Connections 


Connection Timeout 


To change the settings for a JDBC resource through the Admin Console, for the configuration, choose the Java tab ⇒ Resources sub tab. Select the JDBC resource. The settings are available on the Edit JDBC Resource page. To change the JDBC resource through the command-line-interface, use wadm set-jdbc-resource-prop.


This number shows the current JDBC connections, including both free and busy connections.

Tuning – This setting cannot be tuned, but it is a good indicator of recent pool activity. If the number of connections is consistently higher than the minimum number of connections, consider increasing the minimum number of connections to be closer to the number of current JDBC connections. To change the minimum connections for a JDBC resource through the Admin Console, on the Edit JDBC Resources page, edit the Minimum Connections setting. To change the JDBC resource's minimum connections through the command-line-interface, use wadm set-jdbc-resource-prop and change the min-connections property.

Free Connections

This number shows the current number of free connections in the pool. All free connections over the minimum pool size are closed if they are idle for more than the maximum idle timeout. The free connections are not tunable.

Leased Connections

This number shows the current number of connections in use.

Tuning – If number of leased connections is consistently lower than the minimum connections, consider reducing the minimum connections for the JDBC resource. If number of leased connections is consistently higher than minimum connections, consider increasing the minimum connections. If number of leased connections is consistently at the JDBC resource's maximum number of connections, consider increasing the maximum number of connections. The upper limit for the number of leased connections is the number of maximum connections.

To change the minimum or maximum connections for a JDBC resource through the Admin Console, on the Edit JDBC Resource page, edit the Minimum Connections or Maximum Connections fields. To change the JDBC resource's minimum or maximum connections through the command-line-interface, use wadm set-jdbc-resource-prop and change the min-connections or max-connections properties.

Queued Connections

This number shows the current number of requests for connections that are waiting to receive a connection from the JDBC pool. Connection requests are queued if the current number of leased connections has reached the maximum connections.

Tuning – If this number is consistently greater than zero, consider increasing the JDBC resource's maximum connections. To change the maximum connections for a JDBC resource through the Admin Console, on the Edit JDBC Resource page, edit the Maximum Connections field. To change the JDBC resource's maximum connections through the command-line-interface, use wadm set-jdbc-resource-prop and change the max-connections property.

JDBC Resource Statistics Not Available in the Admin Console

Some JDBC statistics are available through the wadm get-config-stats command (using the --node option), through stats-xml, and through SNMP but not through the Admin Console.

maxConnections – The configured maximum size of the pool. Use as a reference for other statistics. To change the maximum connections for a JDBC resource through the Admin Console, on the Edit JDBC Resource page, edit the Maximum Connections field. To change the JDBC resource's maximum connections through the command-line-interface, use wadm set-jdbc-resource-prop and change the max-connections property.

peakConnections – The highest number of connections that have been leased concurrently during the history of the pool. This number is a good indication on the upper limit on pool usage. It is limited by the maximum connections setting.

countTotalLeasedConnections – The total number of times a connection has been handed out by the pool. Indicates total pool activity. Not tunable.

countTotalFailedValidationConnections – If connection validation is enabled, shows the number of times a connection has been detected as invalid by the pool. If this number is relatively high, it could signal database or network problems. Not tunable.

peakQueued – The highest number of connection requests that have been queued simultaneously at any time during the lifetime of the pool. Not tunable.

millisecondsPeakWait – The maximum time in milliseconds that any connection request has been in the wait queue. A high number is an indication of high pool activity. The upper limit is the JDBC resource setting wait timeout.

countConnectionIdleTimeouts – The number of free connections that have been closed by the pool because they exceeded the configured JDBC idle timeout. To change the idle timeout for a JDBC resource through the Admin Console, on the Edit JDBC Resource page, edit the Idle Timeout field. To change the JDBC resource's idle timeout through the command-line-interface, use wadm set-jdbc-resource-prop and change the idle-timeout property.

JDBC Resource Connection Settings

Depending on your application’s database activity, you might need to size JDBC resource connection pool settings. Attributes of a JDBC resource which affect performance are listed below, along with performance considerations when setting values.