Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 2 Administrator's Guide

Customizing the Search Query Page

The query form contains a list of check boxes for search collections, a query input box, and submit button. The form is created using the <s1ws:form> tag along with <collElem>, <queryBox>, and <submitButton> tags with default values:

    <s1ws:queryBox> <s1ws:submitButton>

The query form can be placed anywhere in a page, in the middle, on a side bar, and so on. It can also be displayed in different formats such as with a cross bar where the collection select box, the query string input box, and the Submit button are lined up horizontally, or in a block where the collections appear as check boxes, and the query input box and Submit button are placed underneath.

The following examples show how the <searchForm> set of tags may be used to create query forms in different formats.

In a horizontal bar

The sample code below would create a form with a select box of all collections, a query input box and a submission button all in one row.

    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0">
    <tr class="navBar">
        <td class="navBar"><s1ws:collElem type=”select”></td>
        <td class="navBar">
            <s1ws:querybox size="30">
            <s1ws:submitButton class="navBar" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: 50px">

In a Sidebar Block

You can create a form block in which form elements are arranged in a sidebar, and has the title "Search", which uses the same format as other items on the sidebar.

In the sample code given below, the form body contains three check boxes arranged in one column listing the available search collections. The query input box and the Submit button are placed underneath:

<!--... other sidebar items ... -->
    <tr class="Title"><td>Search</td></tr>
    <tr class="Body">
        <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0">
        <tr class="formBlock">
            <td class="formBlock"> <s1ws:collElem type="checkbox" cols="1" values="1,0,1,0" /> </td>
        <tr class="formBlock">
            <td class="formBlock"> <s1ws:querybox size="15" maxlength="50"> </td>
        <tr class="formBlock">
            <td class="formBlock"> <s1ws:submitButton class="navBar" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; width: 50px"> </td>