Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 2 Administrator's Guide

ProcedureTo Add a Lifecycle Module

  1. Select the Configuration.

    Select the configuration, from the configuration list. For viewing the list of configuration, click Configuration tab.

  2. Click Java > Lifecycle Modules tab.

  3. Click New button.

    Provide values for the following parameters:

    • Name — Provide a valid unique name for the new lifecycle module.

    • Enabled — If you want to enable this lifecycle module, use this option.

    • Class Name — Fully qualified Java class name. The class should implement com.sun.appserv.server.LifecycleListener interface. For more information on using this interface, refer to the Developer's Guide.

    • Class Path — Optional. You can specify a class path to the listener class.

    • Load Order — Greater than 100. Order of loading the lifecycle event listeners, in the numerical order. It is recommended to choose a load-order that is greater than or equal to 100 to avoid conflicts with internal lifecycle modules.

    • On Load Failure — If this option is enabled, the server does not treat exceptions thrown from the listener classes as fatal thus it continues with the normal startup. Disabled by default.

    • Description — Provide a short description about the lifecycle module.

    • Properties — Properties can be used to pass arguments to a Java Lifecycle Module. For adding a new property, click Add Property button and enter text for name, value and description.

    Caution – Caution –

    The server lifecycle listener classes are invoked synchronously from the main server thread and hence extra precaution must be taken to ensure that the listener classes do not block the server. The listener classes may create threads if appropriate but they must be stopped during the shutdown/termination phases.