Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 2 Administrator's Guide

Basic Authentication

Basic authentication requires users to enter a username and password to access your web server or web site. It is the default setting. You must create and store a list of users and groups in an LDAP database, such as the Sun Java System Directory Server, or in a file. You must use a directory server installed on a different server root than your web server, or a directory server installed on a remote machine.

When users attempt to access a resource that has User-Group authentication in the Administration Server or on your web site, the web browser displays a dialog box asking the user to enter a username and password. The server receives this information encrypted or unencrypted, depending on whether encryption is turned on for your server.

Note –

Using Basic Authentication without SSL encryption, sends the username and password in un-encrypted text across the network. The network packets could be intercepted, and the username and password could be pirated. Basic authentication is most effective when combined with SSL encryption, Host-IP authentication, or both. Using Digest Authentication avoids this problem.