Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 2 Administrator's Configuration File Reference

Directory Structure

This section describes the directory structure that is created when you first install Sun Java System Web Server. In a stand-alone Web Server installation, all these directories are in the install_dir by default. In Web Servers installed as part of Java Enterprise System, the instance directories (which in this case includes both admin-sever and https-sever_id) are in a different location. For more information on the default locations for these directories on different platforms, see the information on instance_dir in Default Paths and File Names.


The admin-server directory has the following subdirectories:


The bin directory contains the binary files for administering Web Server. These files include wadm, the administration command-line interface (CLI).


An https-server_id directory is created for every instance you create. This directory has the following subdirectories and files:


The include directory contains the various include files, for example, NSAPI and SHTML include files.


The jdk directory contains the bundled Java development kit (JDKTM). For stand-alone installations only.


The lib directory contains internal binaries, scripts, libraries, and bundled plug-ins. These files are private files, for internal use only.


The plugins directory contains the plug-in subdirectories. .

For more information on these plug-ins, see Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 2 Administrator’s Guide.


The samples directory contains samples and example components, plug-ins, and technologies supported by the Sun Java System Web Server Servlet engine. This includes binaries, all code, and a build environment.


The setup directory contains the various Web Server setup files, including the installation logs.